How do database architects apply concepts of primary keys

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132411724

Assignment: Respond to one of the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Discuss the differences between storing data in a spreadsheet verses storing data in a database.

• In what business scenarios might one approach be superior to the other?

• What are the pros and cons of each approach?

• Why do you think many businesses today use both spreadsheets and databases to manage their data?


Share at least one real-world example of the following types of data relationships:

• 1:1

• 1:M

• M:N (many-to-many)

Your example can be from work, school, a hobby, or daily life.

Discuss why you think making the distinction between these types of relationships is important for database designers. How does each of these types of relationships affect the complexity of storing and retrieving data? How do database architects apply the concepts of primary and foreign keys to each type of data relationship?

Reference no: EM132411724

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