Reference no: EM131915376
The questions I have for this project would include: Does the CEOs/Presidents have to be in the same indusrty and could we include their personal attributes pertaining to their leadeship influences or just business information.
For the project I plan to create an outline early so that I can start gathering the information that I need to complete the final project. By having an outline it will also help with organizing the information.
How do cross-cultural differences affect the use of or response to power in organizations? With cross-cultural differences that could be a good and a bad thing in some places. Sometimes when american businesses delegate other countries to complete certain aspects of the business that other country may have different practices than we have here in t he US.
With that it may be easy for us to take advantange of the low cost and unfavorable working that they have in the other country which for us should be morally wrong. Also with working with cross cultural differences you have language barriers that may cause delay with productive. On the other hand some people can use these differences as power over the other countries placing themselves superior.
Legitimate Power stems from the position a person actually holds. A person may not really have the ability to lead and or manage the individuals that report to him however because he holds that title it gets him the authority over them. Reward power is derived from the leader's ability to reward employees.
Employees will try to do things that are favorable to this type of power so that they get pay raises or promotions. Referent power includes the influence one has on others that would be described as being charismatic. With most people you just have this trait or you don't. People will naturally gravitate to those that they feel most comfortable with and they will be more receiving of the direction they are being lead.
With these three types of power they can also be used in a negative way where the leader influences there employees for their own personal gain. Legitimate power managers may use their authority and delegate tasks that they may in charge of doing to those that are in his/her control just to get out of the responsibilities. Reward power can be used so much that it fosters bad behavior.
If one individual is always being rewarded it may cause jealousy within the other individuals that are not getting as many rewards to where there is job dissatisfaction and decreased loyalty. And decreased loyalty can also be a downfall of a referent leader if their character is not true to who they portray to be (Johnson) .
Two examples of leaders abusing power would be those that bully employees into getting something done or those that avoid their duties altogether and delegate their responsibilities onto others. Both examples can be avoided if the right leader or manager is selected for that particular role.
If a person is not qualified for a certain position it will show and reflet in their performance so there is no reason to continue to have them in that role if there is no progression for the team and the leader/manager is not taking responsibilities as he/she should. Testing as well as periodic evaluation from upper management can rule out those that are not qualified(Financial Post) .
Financial Post . (n.d.). Retrieved from Company Suffers When Leaders Abuse Power.
Johnson, S. (n.d.). 5 Sources of Power In Organizations . Retrieved 03 21, 2018, from Your Business: AZ Central.
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