How do children respond during transitional periods

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133527122 , Length: 5 Pages


Observation Report (3 to 5 pages)

Complete 15 practicum hours. Record your observations, ideas, and resources. Specifically note what you observe in regards to student behaviors, communications, and interactions with one another and adults in regards to child development and growth. Here are some ideas:

  • You may observe and note how students relate to each other in the whole group, in a small group, or in pairs.
  • How is one child's play different from another child's play during the same scheduled activity?
  • How do children respond during transitional periods?
  • How do they relate to the adults in the room?
  • Consider cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual growth and development, when observing.

Reference no: EM133527122

Questions Cloud

Which pillar is the brands or organizations strongest : Name a brand or organization that performs exceptionally well, in your view, with regard to the Six Pillars of customer experience. Of the six, which pillar
Ten classic studies learning aid : First, choose a classic study from the Ten Classic Studies Learning Aid located in your Reading and Resources.
How will your care of these two victims be influenced : How will your care of these two victims be influenced related to these recommendations? Who would you treat first and why?
What you read and think about ways to decrease costs : Do you think their point of view is similar to what you read and think about ways to decrease costs while increasing quality?
How do children respond during transitional periods : How is one child's play different from another child's play during the same scheduled activity? How do children respond during transitional periods?
How many staff members directly report to your preceptor : describe how this site complies, the services it provides, and the population(s) it impacts. See the Guidelines for Field Experiences for the core areas
Does that support its business interests : does doing well among the Six Pillars actually influence buyer behavior toward the brand or organization, and in turn, does that support its business interests
Define leadership : Define 'leadership'. Discuss the THREE main leadership styles according to Kurt Lewin's (1939) theory of leadership?
List ways in which contemporary presidential campaigns used : List the ways in which contemporary presidential campaigns have used social media as a campaign tool. Do you consider social media as a successful tool?


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