How do artificial intelligence tools influence the operation

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133829636 , Length: word count:2500


Title: The Impact of AI Tools on Small Beauty Businesses in the UK

Research Question

How do artificial intelligence (AI) tools influence the operations, marketing strategies, and customer engagement of small beauty businesses in the UK?

Research Report of 2500 words, comprising chapters on Literature Review and Research Methodology

Research Aim

To examine the impact of AI tools on small beauty businesses in the UK, focusing on operational efficiency, marketing strategies, and customer engagement.

Research Objectives

• To assess the extent to which small beauty businesses in the UK utilize AI tools in their operations.
• To evaluate the impact of AI-driven tools on marketing strategies and customer engagement.
• To identify the challenges and opportunities presented by AI adoption in small beauty businesses.
• To explore the ethical concerns and limitations of AI in the beauty industry.
• To assess the impact of AI on employment and human interaction in small beauty businesses.

The assessment requires students to complete a written research report

The topic of the dissertation should be related to the area of students' study/ course. Students must use cognitive skills of analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application. They must demonstrate research skills, and adopt relevant research methodology, drawing on a range of sources, and employing different information search strategies, enabling them to arrive at valid and reliable research conclusions. This will assess their ability to demonstrate written communications skills by applying theories and concepts. Summative feedback will be provided after the submission of the report.

Listed below are the contents of the research report and the corresponding evaluation criteria:

Title Page/Cover Page (indicating title, number of words, name and ID number of student)

Clearly state the research question/s investigated (relevant and appropriate topic in the area of study/course)
Provide a background to the research topic/ question and justification for "why" it should be investigated (reasons for choosing it)
Research aim/s (clearly stated; linked to the current state of scholarship in the field chosen) Get Instant Solutions for Your Assignments!
Research objectives (clearly stated, focused, and achievable)

Literature Review
Draws on a variety of academic references (including scholarly journal articles) - Amount and quality of academic literature (other literature where appropriate)
Should be focused and relevant (relevant to the research question/s investigated)
Presented clearly in a coherent manner
Currency (i.e. up to date nature)
Extent to which literature is evaluated and critically appraised, i.e. ‘reviewed'

Proposed Methodology
Research philosophy
Research approach
Theoretical framework
Research design (grounded theory; quantitative, qualitative; mixed methods; exploratory, experimental, observational, causal; survey, case study)
Data source/s (including appropriateness of data)
Data collection method/s
Data analysis method/s
Ethical considerations
How well planned is the research strategy?
Has choice of method been justified?
Has the success (or otherwise) of the strategy been evaluated?

Concluding the literature review and proposed methodology

Report Quality
Report quality will be assessed based on the following criteria:
Quality of referencing and citation in text and bibliography (Harvard referencing style should be used)
Structure and logic of the report (quality of the report structure; coherence of discussion; logical reasoning)
Presentation style (quality of layout; structure; academic writing style; quality of written English and proofreading; clarity)

The report length should be a minimum of 2,500 words. The Word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings, tables, in-text citations, quotes, etc). The end-list of references, appendices and footnotes are NOT included in the word count.

Reference no: EM133829636

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2/16/2025 11:22:24 PM

Hi I have a question I have draft for research proposal which suppose to be for 2500 words in total and my draft has around 1000 words. 2500 word and fix it with usage of credible Real sources such as academic journals, well know articles such as Forbes, government websites ? All the in text citation and references has to be from credible reliable sources Thank You I will do that now and also can You pass that I receive one advice from my techie that I should narrow ai tools to specific 2/3 tools for example chat gpt, Canva ai

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