How disease physically impacts the human body

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133657275


1. Define the disease - what is it and what does it affect?

2. Provide a brief history of the disease (what year it was first discovered, who discovered it, years/locations of any major outbreaks, year/types of major medical developments, such as vaccines or cures).

3. List the most common symptoms of the disease (at least 4).

4. Describe how the disease physically impacts the human body and what organs/systems it primarily affects.

5. Identify whether your disease is noninfectious or infectious. Explain how a patient contracts the disease/how it can be passed from one organism to another.

6. Briefly explain what kind of prognosis a patient diagnosed with this disease might face (is the disease deadly or treatable and why? permanent or curable and why?).

7. List and briefly describe what treatments are available for this disease. If these treatments are medicine, include the specific names of the medicine. (describe at least 2)

8. Briefly describe how someone with this disease's life is impacted (emotionally, mentally, socially, etc.).

9. Include a list of the sources you used to gather your information (AT LEAST THREE)


1. Write the name(s) visibly somewhere on your poster.

2. Title your poster - your title should include the name of your disease.

3. Include at least one image of the disease or how it impacts the human body (NO GRAPHIC IMAGES!). Images can be drawn, taken from a book/magazine or taken from online.

4. Include the information gathered about the disease (listed above) - each question and answer (from part 1) should be on your poster! You do not need to include your list of sources on your poster (but they still need to be handed in as a separate page). 

Reference no: EM133657275

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