How digital innovations would directly influence strategy

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13840770

Assignment 1

Word Limit: 1500 words maximum

This assignment continuous on from the journals you have produced earlier.

You are expected to write a thoroughly analysed report on the following.

The organization you have selected for the journals 1 and 2 will be used to complete assignments. Assume that you have been hired as a consultant to the selected organization/Business. The Executive Team requested you to investigate the issues identified in journal one to further explore how using digital innovations can mitigate such issues.

The CIO is very interested to understand the current development (NBN) in the industry in terms of digital innovations and how these innovations would influence strategic planning processes in the organization/business. Your task is to provide a comprehensive report as to how these digital innovations would directly influence their strategic planning processes.

For the purpose of this assignment, you may choose innovative processes or innovative digital technologies or a combination of both. Your scope is to identify various elements of strategic planning processes applicable to the chosen organization/business (you will need to search very specific literature in this domain), and then discuss how the innovative processes or/and innovative technologies will help to influence the strategic planning processes.

Reference no: EM13840770

Questions Cloud

What are some real or potential applications : What are some real or potential applications
Determine property-plant and equipment costs : Determine property, plant, and equipment costs. Trudy Company incurred the following costs.
Implement in the training of the new staff : implement in the training of the new staff:
Fill-in-the-blank-principles and terminology : INSTRUCTIONS:  Answer the following questions or complete the statements by writing the appropriate words or amounts in the Answers column.
How digital innovations would directly influence strategy : Your task is to provide a comprehensive report as to how these digital innovations would directly influence their strategic planning processes.
Article summary - rhythmic engagement with music in infancy : Write summary on attach article on Rhythmic Engagement with Music in Infancy
Underapplied or overapplied overhead : At year-end 2013, Dub's Wind Generator Co. had a $40,000 debit balance in its Manufacturing Overhead Control account. Overhead is applied to products based on direct labor cost. Relevant account balance information at year-end follows:
Develop a performance appraisal system. : Develop a performance appraisal system.
Develop preliminary business plan concept for an innovation : Develops a preliminary business plan concept for an innovation. This innovation should lead to a new customer value proposition.


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