Reference no: EM133187678 , Length: 5000 words
Why Global Supply Chains May Never Be the Same | A WSJ Documentary
Your tasks
Part 001
Drivers - Impacts - Effects - Options - Recommendations
Do research in First Moving Consumers Goods Industry (FMCGs) and discuss the supply chain vulnerabilities, below being the key drivers as follows.
Pandemic and Natural disasters
Climate Change
Conflicts & War (Russia - Ukraine etc)
Change of government policies
Do Research methodology options
All members to give examples in the preliminary recommendations
Members to come up with Problem statement
- Academic writing & critique the points, - look at the end to end vulnerabilities of the supply chain not just logistics or warehousing - Harvard Referencing APA 7th edition - The Report needs to be cohesive not fragmented
Part 002
Step one:
Watch the video to understand how different vulnerabilities manifest themselves in the global supply chain.
Step two:
As we increasingly live in a world of asymmetric communication, you are required to create a video presentation. Your presentation will be shown at the next meeting of the board of directors. The board are looking for the following layout:
This is a summary of our investigation phase (An Executive Summary, in video presentation form).
This is the problem statement we have identified from the WSJ video.
This is the relevant theory we will consider in our investigation phase.
This is our schedule of work
These are the risks with our approach.
Your video should be very concise; your slot at the board meeting is only five minutes long. You should cover all five topics in this time. The board of directors are very keen on team involvement, they will be looking for all your team to contribute to the presentation.
Step three:
Create your project proposal. Your proposal should be no more than 5000 words and use diagrams/illustrations/tables/graphs etc., to demonstrate the application of your project and logistics management skillsets. The outline of the project proposal should include:
An Executing Summary for your proposal
A set of tasks that apply the course material to the investigation phase of the project. This should include relevant material, fully referenced, along with critical reasoning for its inclusion; it must be applicable to a specific item or point in the case study.
A timeline schedule showing task timings and dependencies.
You will need to take the following into account when completing your assignment/report:
Quality of a relevant literature review that helps inform your discussion;
Clarity of argument and integration of different components in relevance to Projects and/or a Logistics context;
Allocation of credit and sources used; (have you included references and citations to the material you have used?);
Use of examples, figures, tables, illustrations and statistics that indicate wider/independent reading;
Quality of executive summary (does it give a brief complete summary of your paper for an executive to read?);
Overall report presentation and structure including spelling and grammar;
Adherence to nominated word limit and time.
Word processed (letter size 12, Times New Roman, 1.5 space), fully referenced (APA 7th (Harvard) Style)
This coursework should follow a structured approach and your aim is to:
Prepare and submit as a team a professional business proposal/report (100% of total module grade) - Word Count up to 5,000 words (only one team member will need to submit the report on behalf of the group)
Please follow an industrial report format. Therefore the report should include:
Cover page that details:
Project title;
Group number;
Member Names and Student IDs
Executive Summary; (not part of the word count)
Contents page;
Main body based on the thematic areas. In sections and sub sections;
Discussion and Conclusion;
References / Bibliography;