Reference no: EM132263537
Take-Home Final Essay Exam Prompt (Due at 5pm on Wednesday, March 20)
For your take-home final exam, please write 1,500 words on the following prompt:
Choose ONE (1) of the themes below that we have discussed and read about over the course of the quarter and answer the following question based on your chosen theme: How did your theme change or not change over the course of the time period we covered in this class? The possible themes are as follows: race and sport, gender and sport, religion and sport, cities and sport, politics and sport, education and sport.
Your essay MUST have a clear, concise, and specific thesis statement/argument that guides the rest of your paper. This thesis statement must directly respond to the prompt. Please refer to the documents on Bb Learn about constructing an effective thesis statement for recommendations on how to do this.
Your essay MUST properly use Chicago Style footnotes or endnotes. Please consult the documents on Bb Learn regarding Chicago Style citations for any questions on how to properly cite your sources. (You do not need to cite materials from the lecture notes or the videos, only from the primary and secondary source readings.)