How did your professor feedback help your mastery

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133501261

Part 1: Self-Reflection
You will complete a self-reflection using the Feedback Review Template. The Feedback Review Templateis located in this week's Course Resources area. To complete your self-reflection, seek clarity from your professor about the areas you did not understand or areas that require improvement. Schedule a one-to-one meeting with your professor to discuss the feedback provided and to inform your responses. Use the Feedback Review Template to address the following themes:

How you developed and demonstrated the course competencies tied to this course.
The practical relevance of the course concepts and course competencies to your professional growth and career interests.
Future considerations (e.g., key trends or challenges) to keep in mind as related to the topics covered in this course.

Question: Be sure to comprehensively address the feedback provided by the professor for your Week 7 Signature Assignment. As you complete the template, you will be asked to address the following questions:
1. What are the areas in which your professor indicated you did well? Why do you think you did well in this (these) areas?
2. What are the areas in which your professor indicated you need to improve? What can you do to improve in this (these) areas?
3. How did your professor's feedback help your mastery of the course subject matter?
4. How did the Week 7 Signature Assignment and this course help you to develop the course competencies?
5. What aspects of this assignment can you take forward into your professional career and why?
6. How did this course contribute to your understanding of possible trends and/or challenges related to the profession of health administration in the future? What do you need to consider regarding the course topic and why?

Part 2: Annotated Bibliography
You will prepare an annotated bibliography of three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources to enhance your knowledge base related to selected course competencies and that is informed by your self-reflection and professor feedback. The resources must be current, published within the past 3-5 years. Each annotated bibliography should be no less than three robust paragraphs. Use feedback from your professor to identify scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that can help you improve in the areas noted (e.g., assignment enhancement, personal and/or professional growth, topic of further interest prompted by the course content).
Use the annotated bibliography guide from Academic Success Center (ASC)*to ensure that your annotated bibliography meets all requirements.

Reference no: EM133501261

Questions Cloud

Explain difference exist between incorporating tbl framework : Explain the differences that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.
Present your article then summarize article in one paragraph : Present your article, then summarize the article in one paragraph. In the next paragraph, present two economic terms that you have referenced from the article.
What level of government or institution will implement : What is the policy lever-is it legislative, administrative, regulatory, other? What level of government or institution will implement?
How has the covid pandemic brought changes to these dynamics : How has the Covid-19 pandemic brought changes to these dynamics and do you think they will be long lasting?
How did your professor feedback help your mastery : What are the areas in which your professor indicated you did well? Why do you think you did well in this (these) areas? What are the areas
Draw supply and demand curves for the chemicals produced : Draw supply and demand curves for the chemicals produced by the factory before the contamination was discovered.
Describe what you would specifically like to see changed : Describe a human-technology interface that you have encountered in healthcare that you think needs improving.
What are the unique challenges barriers faced by diverse : What are the unique challenges/barriers faced by diverse populations in nursing education? There are many that you can address, but at a minimum
Eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities : Ongoing development of and support for state-level legislation to eliminate racial and ethnic health disparities, achieve health equity,


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Biology Questions & Answers

  Different types of mutagenic techniques

discuss what directed evolution is, what it is used for , different types of mutagenic techniques ( chemical mutagenesis) ,

  How many people in sub-saharan africa are infected with hiv

Approximately how many people in sub-Saharan Africa are infected with HIV? How many died in the last year?

  Discuss variety of nutrients from the nutrient categories

develop an informative PowerPoint presentation that could be used to teach your classmates about a variety of nutrients from the nutrient categories

  Theory of fat cell development

The theory of fat cell development is: During periods of growth, such as the adolescent growth spurt, new adipose (fat) cells are created. Whenever we are in positive energy balance, adipose cells swell with triglycerides

  What is the complete description of natural selection

What is the complete description of natural selection? The description should include all concepts that allow natural selection to occur.

  Identify risk factors that lead to musculoskeletal disorder

MOS 6701 - Columbia Southern University - evaluating a work task to identify potential risk factors that lead to the development of a musculoskeletal disorder

  Expected number of chromosomes-chromatids

Complete the following table with the expected number of chromosomes, chromatids, and homologous pairs, and the amount of DNA in each area

  How do you think the pcr technique can be employed

Regarding dPCR analysis, apart from cerebrospinal fluid and aqueous humour, is it possible to use blood sample or any other sample?

  Related to laboratory testing and patient safety

The role of the laboratory scientist and the role of the pharmacist (point of care testing) related to laboratory testing and patient safety,

  Examine the plates exposed to the airborne

Examine the plates exposed to the airborne and external body surfaces bacteria. Count the number of colonies formed by the different microorganisms

  How many nucleotide changes were in the first codon position

How many nucleotide changes were in the first codon position? How many of these altered the encoded amino acid? Why is there a difference between amino acid % identity and nucleotide percent identity?

  Burning of a candle relate to biological processes

Discuss how does the burning of a candle relate to biological processes and biology in general? Any help would be appreciated thank you.

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