How did your mind-body-emotions react

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133495769


  1. Describe one situation where you have experienced a type of stress we discussed in class (critical; pressure but no danger; low-level, long-term stress).
  2. How did your mind / body / emotions react?
  3. In hindsight, could you have improved or changed the outcome through recognising and managing your stressor?

Reference no: EM133495769

Questions Cloud

What are african american babies versus white babies : Differences between african american babies versus white babies? This includes anywhere from survival rate to health conditions to proper care.
Why is unlikely after vaccination with an mrna vaccine : What would you say to explain why this is highly unlikely after vaccination with an mRNA vaccine?
What did the science of geology discover about age of earth : What approach did naturalists of the Enlightenment use in their investigations into Nature? What did the science of geology discover about the age of Earth?
Explain the evidence for genetic control of chiasmata : Chiasmata are critical for the success of meiosis and so they have to be strictly controlled. Explain the evidence for genetic control of chiasmata.
How did your mind-body-emotions react : Describe one situation where you have experienced a type of stress we discussed in class (critical; pressure but no danger; low-level, long-term stress).
How you used them in your workouts-fitness routine : Using fitness training principles describe how you were able to incorporate them into your training this year.
Is the substance an acid or a base : What is the pH of a solution that has a hydrogen ion concentration (H*) of 0.50 M? Is the substance an acid or a base?
What is the task of the science of biology : What is the task of the science of biology?
Discuss the role of the immune system in inflammation : Discuss the role of the immune system in inflammation.


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