How did your company implement the quality process

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131624498

Assignment: Quality Strategies and Deployment

Create a 10 to 15-slide Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation® with speaker's notes in which you discuss the following topics:

• Choose a company that you are familiar with that has a formal quality process. (COMPANY WILL BE PROVIDED AT HANDSHAKE)
• Describe quality strategies used by this company.
• Why did this company implement a quality process?
• What strategies has this company used to implement their quality processes? Why did they choose these strategies?
• How did your company implement the quality process?
• What obstacles did they overcome and what was the final result?

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131624498

Questions Cloud

Hubbards issues more debt and uses : Assume that the bonds are default free and that there are no taxes. Now assume that Hubbards issues more debt and uses the proceeds to retire equity.
Discuss bonds at par premium and discounted : Discuss debt and equity financing. Discuss bonds at par, premium, and discounted. What is the difference between the coupon rate and market rate?
Discuss consumer lease and sales contract : The agreement provided that Hall would return the washer and dryer at the end of the 19 months or she woat at that time pay
Advantages and disadvantages of owning common stock : What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of owning common stock? What are the major types of risks to which stockholders are exposed?
How did your company implement the quality process : How did your company implement the quality process? What obstacles did they overcome and what was the final result?
Change in capital structure : Assume that the change in capital structure does not affect the risk of the debt and that there are no taxes.
Why is the ex-dividend date important to stockholders : Why is the ex-dividend date important to stockholders? If a stock is sold on the exdividend date, who receives the dividend-the buyer or the seller? Explain.
Which of the two situations was easier to resolve and why : Which of the two situation was easier to resolve? Which facets of your personality had impact on your actions and therefore impact on outcome of each situation?
What is a stock split : How does a stock split affect the market value of a share of stock? Do you think it would make any difference (in price behavior).


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