How did you set up your hootsuite dashboard

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131662927


As you learned from your Online ID Calculator results, your online reputation is measured using five variables; Volume, Relevance, Purity, Diversity, and Validity. For this assignment, you will monitor your brand online and begin listening to pertinent conversations happening around your chosen industry.

You will do this by setting up three tools: Hootsuite, Google Alerts, and Feedly. These are just a few tools available that give you the ability to monitor your brand while curating information on a variety of topics that will help you stay competitive within your field.

You will create a presentation that showcases the results from your Online ID Calculator and your Brand Archetype Quiz from the Discussion Board this week.

Setting Up Your Accounts

Step One: Gather your results from the Online ID Calculator and your Brand Archetype Quiz you completed for the Week 1 Discussion Board.

Step Two: Create and set up your Hootsuite account.

Step Three: If you do not already have a Gmail account, you will need to create one for this assignment. You can do that here. Once you have a Gmail account, you can create your Google Alerts. To set up your Google Alerts go to Be sure to set up at least these three (3) Google Alerts:

-Your Name (example: "Johnny Doe")

-Industry (example: "Music Business")

-Company of Interest (example: "Live Nation")

Step Four: Use your Gmail account to create a" feedly" account. Create at least three (3) collections that curate multiple RSS feeds from sites that are relevant to your personal brand, professional development, and/or career growth.

Creating Your Keynote Presentation

Now that you have all of your personal brand assessment results and your accounts set up, it is time to create your keynote presentation. Keep in mind this presentation will NOT be presented in class and needs to stand on its own. Meaning, please include all the required information below in the keynote file you submit. If you find that your responses are text heavy, you can use the "Presenter Notes" section to alleviate the distraction.

Step One: Open Keynote and select a template for your presentation. Create a Title Slide for your presentation. Please include the name of the assignment, course and section number, instructor's name, your name, degree program, and date.

Step Two: Develop a slide for both your Online ID Calculator results and your Brand Archetype Quiz from the Discussion Board this week. Include screenshots of your results and explain three (3) things you found most revealing about your results.

Step Three: Based on your personal brand assessment results, create at least three slides per tool that explore how and why you set up your monitoring systems the way you did.

You must include screenshots that support and visually explain your key points. In your explanations, be sure to reference relevant elements found in the required and suggested reading as indicated in the Resources section.


How did you set up your Hootsuite dashboard? What tabs structure did you use and why? Describe the content found in each of the streams you set up. What did you learn how to do from using this tool?

This popular tab structure has proven to be the best for monitoring personal brands via Hootsuite:

-Brand: personal brand (your name, nicknames, social media pages, custom searches)Industry:

-industry topics that you want follow

-Competitor: competitors of your personal brand (individuals with the same name, other freelancers)

-Blogs: influential bloggers that you follow

-Social Media: conversations that are happening right now

What is the personal brand name you are monitoring (this is how you will be identifying yourself as a professional i.e. "Johnny Doe")? Which social networks did you install on your Hootsuite dashboard? What companies, conversations (i.e. hashtags), and competitors are you following and how do you intend on using this information to advance your personal brand?

Cite three (3) specific tweets, posts, pictures, videos, etc. you found by listening to your streams and why they matter. Provide a screenshot of the social content piece and the final destination of the link in the social content.

How will you use this information to advance your career and/or strengthen your personal brand? How will you use this information to help you engage your target audience? Present this information with respect to your Online ID Calculator results and your Brand Archetype.

Google Alerts:

How did you set up your Google Alerts? What is the personal brand name(s) you are monitoring? What industry are you monitoring? What companies are you monitoring?

Describe the content found in each of the three required alerts you set up. Play special attention to the alerts for your name. How will you apply the tactics you learned in the lessons and required reading this week to improve or expand the results?

What, specifically, did you learn from these alerts? Cite and screenshot three (3) specific articles you read from the alerts you received and why they matter. How will you use this information to advance your career and/or strengthen your personal brand?

How will you use this information to help you engage your target audience? Present this information with respect to your Online ID Calculator results and your Brand Archetype.


How did you set up your Feedly dashboard? What three collections did you create and what RSS feeds are found under each collection?

Why did you decide to follow these RSS feeds? What kind of content is being curated throughout your feedly account? How do you hope to improve your personal brand by monitoring these feeds?

What, specifically, did you learn from your RSS feeds? Cite the name of the website and article. Identify three (3) things you learned from reading these articles and why they matter.

How will you use this information to advance your career and/or strengthen your personal brand? How will you use this information to help you engage your target audience? Present this information with respect to your Online ID Calculator results and your Brand Archetype.

Reference no: EM131662927

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