Reference no: EM132221629
Question: 1) Do you think that the subtle use of language, such as the word chairman applied to a woman or stewardess instead of the gender-neutral flight attendant, is a form of sexism?
2) Aaron, clerical supervisor for a health maintenance organization, wants to hire the best person for the receptionist job. Ramona, his manager, is doubtful that the candidate Aaron has selected will be capable because she uses a wheel-chair. Ramona is concerned that other workers will have to spend a lot of time helping the receptionist get in and out of the office for lunch, breaks, and so on. How can Aaron ensure that his candidate will be an asset to the firm?
3) Rasheen supervises the mail room for a large financial services firm. He has been told he will be attending a diversity training program next week. Rasheen believes that since he has recently hired three women from his native country he does not need to know any more about diversity. As his supervisor, what would you say to Rasheen to prepare him for the training program?
4) Why do some people dislike MBO ?
5) Emily Sanford has just been promoted to supervisor of the salespeople in the gift department at a department store. Which of the following organizing activities is she likely to carry out?
6) Read the statements below and discuss the methods for achieving each of the conditions.
* Get to know employees to better understand their creative ideas or interests.
* Encourage personal creativity and growth for all employees.
7) The grapevine is important to supervisors because employees use it as a source of information. Thus, a supervisor must expect that employees sometimes have information before the supervisor has delivered it. Supervisors also must realize that employees may be getting incorrect information through the grapevine, especially in times of crisis or conflict. Discuss the time when you received incorrect information through the grapevine. How did you react when you got the correct information?