How did you identify the usage of impact indicators

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Reference no: EM133482376

Discussion Post: Impacts of the Olympics

Read the reading and watch the YouTube video "Olympism in Action Forum - Hosting the Olympic Games: City Perspectives" to answer the following questions:

Question A. Briefly explain the approaches taken by Scandizzo and Pierleoni to identify impact measures. What are the various pillars that comprise the event impact indicators? You may use the tangible-intangible distinctions to elucidate the outcome indicators.

Question B. Scandizzo and Pierleoni added four additional impact categories (i.e., political, sociocultural, physical/environmental, and psychological). Among these categories, apply the sociocultural, physical/environmental, and psychological impacts to the context of the 2028 LA Summer Olympic Games.

Question C. Provide a good example that typifies each of these three impact categories and elaborate on your claims. For example, explain how the Olympics could aim to boost a healthy and heterogeneous civic culture as an example of sociocultural impact.

Question D. Taking into consideration the premise to understand impact illustrated by Scandizzo and Pierleoni, how did you identify the usage of impact indicators by the panels during the discussion? Each panel represents a previous host and candidate city. Describe which impact indicators have been embraced by each panel.

Question E. What are your final thoughts after reading and watching the materials? Do the outcome measures appear thoroughly represented in the panel discussion session? What are some difficulties associated with applying all the indicators?

Reference no: EM133482376

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