How did you feel about the issue before you were exposed

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Reference no: EM132313449 , Length: word count : 750

Assessment : Reflection Weighting



Reflection Part B

Part B requires submission of an individual critical reflection of 750 words.

You need to chose a new topic for the Part B Reflection that has impacted you and critically reflect over your personal learning experience.

The topic can be selected from any tutorial/student workbook in the 401206 unit.

below You have mentioned the Learning Modulesthat we have learnt during this tutorial.

You can choose topic like life expectancy or closing the gap.

Any of from learning modules.

Module 3 - Cultural Perspectives of Health & Illness

Module 1 - Contemporary Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health

Module 5 - Identity

Module 4 - Social Determinants of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health

Module 2 - History & Policies affecting Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health

Module 6 - Cultural safety and effective communication

Module 7 - Race and racism

You are required to read the markers comments on your Critical Reflection Part A.(which I have attached as reflection part A file). These comments will help you with your Part B Reflection.

Use the Gibbs Reflective Cycle Framework, as you did for Part A Reflection to guide your writing. Please review the rubric for Part B Reflection, it is similar to the Part A Reflection Rubric but it differs in that it asks you to apply your learning to culturally safe nursing/midwifery practice.

Review the link below which offers a suggested structure for your Part B Critical Reflection. (I have attached a ppt file for that). There is no audio attached. A minimum of five references is required. The references are not in the word count and can be older that 5 years.

You are following the same structure as in Part A (based on the Gibbs Reflective Cycle) but there is an added requirement that you demonstrate your understanding of culturally competent nursing care when looking after Aboriginal people as stated in the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO's) numbers 5 and 6 .

5 Explain the importance of cultural safety and culturally appropriate care and service provision for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

6 Apply critical reflection on own values and attitudes towards cultural safety and the provision of health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.

Assessment :  Reflection:  Part B

Select an ‘issue’ to critically reflect over

This can be something that has challenged/impacted your thinking.  For example, something that you heard in a lecture, read in the Module Student Workbooks or discussed during class activities (please refer to marking rubric in Leaning guide)


Describe the issue that you have chosen.  How has it impacted you and how has it impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?


How did you feel about the issue before you were exposed to the content/discussion in this unit?

How did you feel about the issue after you were exposed to the content/discussion in this unit?

Critical Evaluation

What was good/bad, why did you feel this way?

Do you always respond in the same way, if so why?

How do you think you knew what you knew?

Was your response to the issue due to an experience or limited consideration/understanding?

Analysis &  Conclusion

What do you know now that you did not know before?

Have any historical, political, cultural and environmental factors that you have learnt about influenced your attitudes and beliefs about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples?  If so how? (evidence to support).

How will this new knowledge about yourself impact cultural safety when caring for Aboriginal people?

Action plan: Part B Reflection

What will you do to implement culturally appropriate care for Aboriginal people and how might your own values and attitudes contribute towards this (this relates to the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO’s) numbers 5 and 6.

Attachment:- PART A. REFLECTION.rar

Reference no: EM132313449

Questions Cloud

Explore the growing organizational challenge : Examine the internal strategic motivations that drive, attract, or compel MNEs to expand offshore - Examines the task of building an organization able
Competitive intelligence and corporate espionage : What is the difference between competitive intelligence and corporate espionage? Are there "bright lines" to distinguish one from the other?
Opposition to the decision of the majority : Explaining, his opposition to the decision of the majority, he said this change in the law should have been done by legislature in a statue
Completion and acceptance of the construction job : The court rejected the old common law rule concerning completion and acceptance of the construction job that was in effect prior to this decision and ordered
How did you feel about the issue before you were exposed : Describe the issue that you have chosen. How has it impacted you and how has it impacted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people?
Identities shaped by surrounding familial-cultural tradition : How are people's identities shaped by their surrounding familial and cultural traditions? How uniform and valued/cherished is your family history?
Impact of a particular technology on an industry or field : The potential impact of Speech Recognition on the Clean Energy Industry - The potential impact of 3D Printing on the Beer Industry
Discuss similarities and differences in messages suggested : Using at least two images from the Western Art and one or two from Asian art to discuss the similarities and /or differences in messages suggested by pieces
Perform data mining on data view : Analyze the given datasets from a relevant firm's perspective in terms of implications and strategies which the chosen company could adopt to improve



5/29/2019 2:35:50 AM

The unit name is ABORGININAL AND TORRES STRAIT ILANDER HEALTH. In this assignment , I need to provide my reflection using Gibbs reflective cycle using my own learning experience. For more details about assignment I have attached the file called details for reflection part B .abo I have provided one file for details and one file of APA referencing style guide. references requirement is minimum five. also provided one file for how to structure it and how to make it as ppt file. please refer it first . before even starting as it is the guide for it. please do references according to the guide and do use double spaced with hanging indents for references.

Write a Review

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