Reference no: EM13281079
You will be conducting an interview with someone that is in a leadership position and that has implemented change in an organization. This can be an individual in your current organization or someone you know in a different organization that has led or managed change.Please includeon the six steps that can be used to implement effective change.
1. How did you mobilize the commitment to change throughout the organization or work group?
2. How did you develop your shared vision?
3. How did you get the employees to buy into your vision?
4. How was the change communicated?
5. Institutionalized revitalization through formal policies, systems and structures?
6. Monitor and adjust strategies in response to problems in the revitalization process?
You will be writing a 4 page paper (approximately 1000 words) that summarizes the interview and provides your analysis of the interviewee's experiences and practices. For example, do you agree with the reasoning for the steps the interviewee used to implement change? This paper addresses the course outcome of understanding and appreciating change management in everyday life in organizations.
The following should be included in the paper:
• A brief background of the individual and the organization where that person manages or has implemented change (Names can be changed to protect the identities if the nature of the work is sensitive.)
o Avoid the urge to write a history of the organization-that is not the focus for the assignment.
o Provide enough information to set the context for the individual's work.
• Identify what strategies are being used by the individual to implement change.
• Support your observations by aligning the strategies the interviewee uses with theories or models discovered in the readings or cited from other scholarly sources.