How did this social movement or collective behavior start

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133672896

You will choose an example of a social movement. You may choose one referenced in the text, or you may pick your own example. (Examples range from worldwide social movements to smaller types of collective behavior, such as the recent ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.) Briefly describe the social movement or collective behavior that you selected, what it is or was, and when it took place.

Paragraph 1: How did this social movement or collective behavior start? Describe a specific event of an individual or group deviating from the norm to make a stand or spread awareness of their social issue. How and why did people join the movement in your example?

Paragraph 2: In what way was their behavior deviant? What social norm were they breaking? What kind of sanctions, if any, did they receive for their deviance?

Paragraph 3: Define strong and weak ties and describe their role in the social movement or collective behavior you are discussing. How do these ties get and keep people involved? How do they contribute to people dropping out or losing interest?

Paragraph 4: Summarize the success or failure of the social movement or collective behavior you selected in leading to social change.

Reference no: EM133672896

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