How did the spanish establish claims in north america

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133614457


Choose ONE (1) of the following essay prompts. Identify which you have selected and answer in an extended essay with special attention given to the structure and academic grammar.

1. Considering the period of initial contact and early colonization, how did the Spanish establish claims in North America. Use explorers in Florida, New Mexico, and California for your response.

2. Compare and contrast the life, roles, and legacy of Malinche, Pocahontas, and Sacajawea. How were their lives similar? How did they differ?

3. How did Native-Americans societies negotiate relations with Euro-Americans during the colonial and early republic periods? Describe both positive and negative aspects of those interactions. Additionally, detail the experience of the Five Tribes during the Jackson administration.

4. How do historians debate whether the War of Independence was an actual "revolution" or a civil war? Use the lives of two individuals as evidence to corroborate your points.

5. Describe the development of political party politics during the early republic. Provide specific policy points for each faction.

Reference no: EM133614457

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