Reference no: EM131845307
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Research topic: How HIV and AIDS Education may Influence young Adults to change their life style in Nakuru Kenya?
Question #1 Words 350
Discussion: Elements of the Introduction
As you read about empirical data in peer-reviewed journals, you will recognize patterns. For example, authors of research studies always start with a justification of their research. There are three parts to this justification,
1. There is a problem worth addressing.
2. The research has a purpose related to that problem.
3. The results of the research will have some significance.
Without these elements, readers may say, "Why did the authors waste their time on this?" and they will chose not to waste their own time reading what was written.
Using the systematic review you selected in week 1, identify the 3 elements of justification and respond to the following questions:
1. What is the problem the researchers chose to address in this analysis?
2. How did the researchers describe the purpose of their research?
3. What significance did the author's attach to their research results?
In your discussion of the answers to each of these questions, be sure to include whether you agree or disagree with the authors' justification and why.
Question #2 Words 350
Discussion: Justifying Your Research
You will need to justify your research in your proposal. In this week's readings there is a litmus test for research topics. Using this and your understanding of the statements of the problem, purpose, and significance of research, justify your study to your fellow classmates.
Be sure to address each of the elements, problem, purpose, and significance, in your discussion post.
Question # 3
Assignment: Written Problem, Purpose, and Significance Statements
This week, you have been learning how researchers justify their research and now it is your turn. The problem, purpose, and significance statements that are used for this justification are key elements in the introduction to your research. Review the descriptions and examples of these elements of a research paper in your text and this week's PowerPoints , and then complete a draft of the introduction using the Introduction Section template .
Submit the completed introduction after saving it as a document titled