How did the researchers conduct their measurement

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Reference no: EM132273365



Summary of an Applied Behavior Analytic Journal Article

Be sure to type your answers under each question.

Author(s)' last name(s) followed by first initials:

Name of Journal:

Volume: Pages:

a) List the main reasons why the authors decided to conduct this study. How did they justify what they did? (At least 1 paragraph) :

b) Write the specific questions the author(s) asked or the hypothesis they wanted to test (usually found in the last paragraph of the introduction).

Be sure to write it as a question (i.e- What will happen to the tantrum behavior when the DRO treatment plan is implemented) or in "If/Then" statement (i.e- If the DRO treatment is implemented, it is anticipated that the tantrum behavior of the children will decrease).

c) How does this article interest you? How does it relate to the teaching you plan to do? (At least 1 paragraph)

Methods. Precisely describe.

a) the participants, including personnel, students, others

b) The setting (location, physical arrangements)

c) What was measured? (Usually particular behaviors)

d) How did the researchers conduct their measurement? Did they use instruments, score sheets etc.?)

e) What did the authors do to convince readers the measures were reliable or dependable: valid (measured what they were supposed to):

f) Describe the procedures. (Who did what, how, with whom, where, when, how often, and for how long?). (At least 2 paragraphs)

III. Results

Say what happened as a result of the methods being used. (You may wish to use the attached templates to sketch the results.) (At least 2 paragraphs)

IV. Discussion and Conclusion.

List the main issues the authors discussed (At least 2 paragraphs)

b) Refer back to the specific question the authors asked and indicate their answer (conclusion.)

V. Your own comments. (i.e- How will you apply what you learned? What are your experiences? What was your favorite point, etc.) (At least 3 paragraphs)

Reference no: EM132273365

Questions Cloud

Discuss the importance of learning second language : Discuss the importance of learning a second language and how it can benefit your future career goals.
What are the characteristics of a learning organization : What are the characteristics of a learning organization, and how do these characteristics help managers and employees work together to rise to the challenges.
Analyze ethical considerations for the data collection : Select a data collection or reporting method used in health care marketing research and related ethical considerations.
What are critical success factors : What are “Critical success factors (CSFs)? How are CSFs different from Key performance indicators (KPIs)?
How did the researchers conduct their measurement : How does this article interest you? How does it relate to the teaching you plan to do? How did the researchers conduct their measurement?
How does what you found in the evidence : How does what you found in the evidence (specific findings) align with your own experience/practice? Feasibility of changing practice, if warranted? Barriers
Discuss role of resource utilization in healthcare system : Discuss the role of resource utilization in the healthcare system in the quality of care. Discuss some of the methodologies and tools used by healthcare.
Managing their own emotional displays in organizations : How do you think managers can strike a balance between authenticity and managing their own emotional displays (e.g., surface acting) in organizations?
Discuss issues facing the population of general community : Contact your local health department; administrator of your local hospital, nursing home, or clinic; or other local public health entity.


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