How did the organization react when the cyberattack happened

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Reference no: EM133719834

Discussion Post: Cyber Security Evaluation Home Depot Cyber Attack

Imagine you're the cybersecurity director in your company. As part of your training for all employees, you'll share a real-life example of an organization that fell victim to a cybersecurity attack. Your task is to find ONE article that talks about a cybersecurity case from any organization (public or private) and then answer the questions below.

Discuss the following questions:

I. Tell us about the cyberattack the organization faced. Did they have to pay a ransom? Was the attack about blocking access or threatening to delete data?

II. How did the organization react when the cyberattack happened, and what did they do during the process? Were any government organizations involved in dealing with the cybercrime?

III. In your opinion, do you think the organization's response was the right move? What about the government's response? Do you think anything could have been handled differently?

IV. Provide the link to the article that you will be discussing.

Reference no: EM133719834

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