Reference no: EM133806672
Assignment: Research & Scenarios
Research model policies and apply model policies to a scenario.
Part 1: Research
I. Read and analyze the following items provided by the MN Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Board regarding Model Policies.
II. Policy 1 - Use of Force Model Policy
III. Policy 4 - Professional Conduct of Officers (Conduct Unbecoming) Model Policy
IV. Policy 6 - Avoiding Racial Profiling Model Policy
V. Policy 11 - Vehicle Pursuit and Emergency Vehicle Operations Model Policy
VI. Find two media stories that contain two separate events that allege an officer(s) acted inappropriately.
Part 2: Scenario
For two events found in the media stories, use the facts available to you to analyze the officer's actions and behavior in the media article and compare with the policy provided.
Your assignment for each event should include the following:
I. Describe the event that occurred.
II. Describe the details of an officer's requirements in the model policy obtained from the MN POST board website.
III. Did the officer follow the model policy guidelines? Support your answer.
IV. How does the report of the incident compare with the actions of the officers to the model policy?
V. How did the officers follow the policy? Get the instant assignment help.
VI. How did the officers stray from the policy?
VII. From your perspective, what actions could have been taken by officers on the scene to avoid the policy violation?