How did the moral suasion approach fail/succeed

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133574333

Case Study: Foner et al's Chapter 12 discusses a number of the various reform movements that swept the nation during the first half of the 19th century: Utopian communities springing up across the nation, women banding together to discuss and address their social and political status, the Second Great Awakening reviving religious power, and social groups like the Temperance Movement looking to change the social outlook of the US. But none of these was as prominent or divisive as the growing Abolitionist movement, which began to take shape around 1830 and continued to pick up steam, bringing the issue of slavery to the forefront of the nation's political, social, and economic discussions.

Question: Discuss the important factors that distinguished the Abolitionist Movement of the mid-1800s, including its prominent voices, its methods of spreading its message and gaining support, its primary opposition, and the ways in which it differed from previous abolition movements (such as during the revolutionary period). How did the "Moral Suasion" approach fail/succeed in promoting the abolition of slavery? What major events leading up to the Civil War involved clashes between Abolition and Pro-slavery forces?




Reference no: EM133574333

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