How did the intervention impact the chosen behavior

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Reference no: EM133539947


This is an individual homework. During the semester you will identify an individual or group of individuals with whom to implement a single-system intervention and evaluation. This may be any individual or group in your life, not necessarily people with whom you are working in a professional social-work capacity (this is particularly true if you are not practicing social work currently). During the course of the semester, implement an intervention with this individual or group to help change an identified behavior. This will involve identifying:

1. a target goal, which you will describe in the case plan;

2. the behavior(s) associated with the target goal that the proposed intervention is attempting to change;

3. the intervention designed to help promote behavior change;

4. the measure(s) used to assess the desired behavior change; and

5. the means by which you will collect data about the change.

For example:

1. your partner wants to lose weight - this is a target goal

2. your partner wants to increase physical activity - this is the behavior(s) associated with the target goal that the proposed intervention is attempting to change

3. your partner will park in a more distant parking lot at work to walk more - the intervention designed to help promote behavior change;

4. # of steps taken daily - the measure(s) used to assess the desired behavior change; and

5. Fitbit activity tracker or pedometer - the means by which you will collect data about the change


1. your friend wants to spend less money - this is a target goal

2. your friend wants to stop spending so much money on eating out - this is the behavior(s) associated with the target goal that the proposed intervention is attempting to change

3. your friend will create a budget to spend $100 a week at the grocery store - the intervention designed to help promote behavior change;

4. weekly food costs in dollars - the measure(s) used to assess the desired behavior change; and

5. spreadsheet tracking weekly food costs - the means by which you will collect data about the change

As you implement the intervention, write a paper documenting the planned change and the results of the evaluation. Papers should be typed, double spaced, using 1-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font. Title and reference pages are required. Follow current APA style guidelines. The paper (not including title and reference pages) should not exceed 10 pages.


A. Title Page

B. Identify target client, problem and intervention (approx. 1-1.5 pages)

1. describe client
2. describe "problem" or behavior you are attempting to change and the individual for your case
3. Description of intervention and why it was chosen to help change the chosen "problem"/behavior (i.e., supporting literature)

C. Identify Research design (approx. 1.5 pages)

1. measure(s) used to assess the desired behavior change (where you found them/why you decided to use them)
2. SSRD design chosen (describe the research design you chose based on course materials)
3. time frame for the intervention and how the intervention will be implemented
4. How you will collect data
5. mention how you will minimize threats to and enhance validity, reliability, generalizability (EXTRA CREDIT: .5 for completing this)

D. Results (approx. .75 pages)

1. describe what you found- how did the intervention impact the chosen behavior?
2. include a graph of results (from Module 3)

E. Conclusion (.5 page)

1. summary of what you did and findings linked to future implications for the individual

F. References Page.

Reference no: EM133539947

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