Reference no: EM132238894
Unit I Journal
Philosopher George Santayana notably said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Why do you think it might be important to understand and study history-especially keeping your professional/life goals in mind? Professional: Police Officer -Life goals: Be a detective. Minimum of 200 words
Unit II Journal
If you were alive in the 1600s as a migrant, what would be the greater appeal of the American colonies: freedom of religion or economic opportunity? Why?Minimum of 200 words
Unit IIa
Discuss how the religious and social issues of Europe helped to define and segregate the early American colonies.Minimum of 200 words
Unit III Journal
Clergyman Mather Byles, not Benjamin Martin, famously said "Which is better: to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?" in reference to avoiding the chance of going to war with the seemingly unbeatable British. Had you been present during these debates and part of any colony, what side would you choose, and why?Minimum of 200 words
Unit IV Journal
Consider your daily life. What are some of the everyday elements that would be different if we today were still under a state-focused document like the Articles of Confederation and not the Constitution?Minimum of 200 words
Unit IVa
Constitution Comparison
The United States Constitution stands apart in history as the cornerstone document for a nation like none before it, but it was not the first law of the land.
The discussion and drafting of the U.S. Constitution from the Articles of Confederation was one of great debate and innovation, and it is important to look at the types of changes that were pivotal to creating the supreme law of the United States.
Compare and contrast the philosophies of the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists that emerged during the time period of the Constitutional Convention through the ratification of the U.S. Constitution (roughly the late 1780s). In your answer, make sure to also include how the philosophies of both parties were reflective of the American society of the time. Minimum of 200 words
Unit V Journal
How can the influence of Dolley Madison in the age of Republican motherhood be compared to events or society today?Minimum of 200 words
Unit Va
The conflicts and exploration of the early 19th century helped shape the philosophies and morale of the nation. Explain how events like the War of 1812 and exploration towards the West by the United States may have impacted the sense of what it was to be "American" during this period.Minimum of 200 words
Unit VI Journal
How does the middle class of Jackson's America compare to today's middle class? How would your profession of choice be different then instead of now?Minimum of 200 words
Unit VIa
Imagine yourself in Lowell, Massachusetts in 1840 where either you or a close family member works as a factory girl in the textile mill.
Discuss what you (or your close family member) experience and see. Consider how technology has made the town distinct and if women affiliated with the mill were treated better or worse in society than their peers elsewhere.Minimum of 200 words
Unit VII Journal
Many believe that Eli Whitney's cotton gin can be blamed for the extension of slavery in America. In this case, how did the growth of technology have an effect on American culture, and do you see the same thing happening in today's society?Minimum of 200 words
Unit VIII Journal
Discuss how the concepts in this course can be related or compared to real-world situations like political issues of today's time.Minimum of 200 words
Unit VIIIa
Support your opinion: could the Civil War have been avoided? After reading this unit's materials, be sure to include the influence of at least one cultural, political, economic, or social movement on whether or not the Civil War was avoidable.Minimum of 200 words