Reference no: EM131292796
People are innocent.
People are innocent according to a principle.
The principle is American
The principle is legal
They are proven guilty.
Marla's bedroom is a disaster.
It is the biggest disaster area in the house.
Marla's bedroom is full of dirty dishes.
Marla's bedroom is full of wrinkled clothes.
Marla's bedroom is full of cat litter.
Use "The Americans" textbook pages 194-196 to complete the following activities.
Make a sentence with an appositive on the following topic .
Example: Manny Ramirez, a talented baseball player, won the World Series.
john adams / became the second president of the united states .thomas jefferson
Use the symbols to take notes on each sentence.
These are the six symbols / -->
1. The / symbol represents a new idea.
2. The + symbol represent and.
3. The = symbol represents something that is equal or the same as.
4. The --> symbol represents a term or idea that leads to another.
5. The 4, symbol represents a decrease, reduction or decline.
6. The j symbol represents an increase, rise or growth.
John Admas becomes the 2nd president of the United and Faces a looming war with Frances.
john Admas sends three men to meet with Tallyrand to negotiate a solution.
The French send three low level officials known as X,Y,and Z.
XYZ demanded $250,000 dollars bribe as payment for selling Tallyrand and this insult become known as the XYZ affair.
The XYZ affair led to anti French Feelings in the Inited States.
Federalist believe French agents were everywhere this led to the Alien Sedition Acts.
The Alien Sedition Acts raised the residence requirements for American citizenship from five to fourtheen years and allowed the president to deport or jail and alien considerd undersirable.
Alien Sedition Act also fines and jail terms for anyone experssing"False,scandalous ,and malicious"statements about the government.
But because so Congress passed the Alien Sedition Act because
Congress passed the Alien Sedition Act but
Congress passed the Alien Sedition Act so
GUIDED READING Drafting the Constitution
A. As you read how our Constitution was developed,take notes summarizing issues in the chart below.
the chart below. was developed, take notes summarizing issues in
1 The Virginia Plan proposed a Congress composed
2. The New Jersey Plan called for a Congress consisting of:
3. The Virginia Plan proposed that representation in Congress be based on:Other large states agreed.
4. The New Jersey Plan proposed that congressional representation be based on:Other small states agreed.
5.How did the Great Compromise resolve this conflict?
6. Northern states felt that representation in Congress should be based on the number of:
7. Southern states felt that representation should be based on the number of:
8. How did the Three-Fifths Compromise resolve this conflict?
B. On the back of this paper, identify or explain each of the following:
Fill out the chart below, taking notes about Washington's two terms as president.
Government Organization
1. What did the Judiciary Act of 1789 establish?
2. What departments did Washington create and whom did he appoint to head them?
Philosophies of Government
3. How did Jefferson feel about political power and the common people?
5. Why did Jefferson and Madison oppose the national bank?
6. Why did Hamilton support the national bank?
Party Politics
7. To which party did jefferson belong?
8. To which party did Hamilton Belong ?
9. Why did Washington distrust the two-party system?
B. On the back of this paper, briefly define each of the following:
excise tax
GUIDED READING Jefferson Alters
the Nation's Course
Section 3
A. As you read about Jefferson'spresidency, write answers to the questions below.
Key Trends in Jefferson's Administration
1. How did Jefferson simplify the federal government?
2. How did Jefferson's presidency help bring about Southern dominance in federal politics?
3. How did the Federalists lose power during the Jefferson administration?
Key Events in the Jefferson Administration
4. What was the long-term importance of the Supreme Court's decision in Marbury v. Madison?
5. How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the United States and its government?
6. Who led the exploration of the Louisiana Territory?
B. On the back of this paper, explain how each of the following are related:
Judiciary Act of 1801
midnight judges
John Marshall
judicial review
C. On the back of this paper, identify each of the following:
Aaron Burr
Daniel Boone
Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation
Section 2
A. As you read about the U.S. government's first experiences with foreign affairs, take notes to answer questions about events appearing on the time line.
1793 :Declaration of neutrality -
1.What were the reasons for issuing this declaration?
1794: Battle of Fallen limbers,Jay's Treaty
2. What resulted from this U.S. victory?
3. What did Britain and the United States agree to?
1795 Pinckney's Treaty
4. What did Spain and the United States agree to?
1796 Adams elected president
5. What problems did this election underscore?
XYZ Affair
6. What effect did the affair have on U.S.-French relations?
1798 Alien and Sedition Acts
7. What measures were contained in these acts?
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
8. What did these resolutions declare?
B. On the back of this paper, identify or explain each of the following:
Edmond Genet
Little Turtle
John Jay