How did the gi bill affect education

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133454337


National School Reform(chapter): Please read chapter and answer the following:

1. Comment on the significance of the "Cold War" as a variable in the Political Economy. How did it (the cold War) affect education in the United States? Be specific in your response?

2. Who was James Bryant Conant? What was his major contribution to education?

3. How did standardized testing affect your own education or plans for higher education?

4. How did the G.I. bill affect education? What were Conant's views on the G.I. bill?

5. What was the "Great Talent Hunt"? Explain in reference to education in the United States.

Reference no: EM133454337

Questions Cloud

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Describe three aspects of the great commission : Describe three aspects of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) of every believer in spreading the Good News of the Good Life in the assigned passages.
How do we train individuals-society to not judge individuls : How do we train individuals and society to not judge individuals and groups based on their current or past actions.
How did the gi bill affect education : How did the G.I. bill affect education? What were Conant's views on the G.I. bill?
Discuss the impact of race on education on the middle school : Discuss the impact of race on education on the middle school and highschool level. use your own experiences and things you have read.
Examine evidence of criminological concepts : Examine for evidence of criminological concepts and principles at work. You need to find something in the real world that is connected to the module.
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Would you recommend changes with respect to the reserve bank : Would you recommend changes with respect to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). For example, should there be changes for the RBA's objectives or operations


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