Reference no: EM133286801
Event and Festival Planning and Promotion
Article Analysis Form
What is the purpose/hypothesis/aim/objective of the study?
Write down the exact statement in which theauthors describe what they were testing.
(Hint:This information may be provided in the article asa purpose statement or as a hypothesis). Include quotation marks around the exact wording and indicate page number(s).
Describe the purpose of the study (as you understand it) in your own words.
What was the "gap" in the research that the author/s was/were trying to fill by doing the study
How did the author(s) test their hypothesis (i.e., research methodology)?
In your own words, briefly summarize the main steps and measurements that the author(s) used in their methods.
Do the authors suggest any problems or limitations with their methodology?
Do you see any problems or limitations with their methodology
How did the author(s) analyze the data?
What test/s was/were used?
What is the major findings of the study?
Make some notes about the majorconclusions or findings as written in the article.
Include quotation marks whenever you use their exact wording, and indicate page number(s).
Write those conclusions (as you understand them) in your ownwords
Do the author ssuggest any problems with the study that could lead to unreliable results
What is the importance of this scientific work?
Write (in your own words) the significant contributions of this scientific workas reported by the authors
Reading 1 - Sustainable Event Marketing in the MICE Industry: A Theoretical Framework
Reading 2 - Social media as a marketing tool for events Ayman Abdo Harb