How did social movement affect individual and group rights

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133773021


Respond to the following questions using the assigned course materials and the research that you have done on the movement. Describe the social movement you have chosen and the historical context of the movement. In what ways has this social movement sought to help with a good society (as its members would see it)? Connect and discuss your exploration of social movement to the assigned reading articles. PART 2: Interview someone who participated in or witnessed the social movement you researched. Have at least 4 of your own questions to ask your interviewee about their experience with the movement.

Also, pick one of the following questions to ask in your interview: How did the social movement affect individual and group rights? How did your engagement with this movement impact your perspective on what it means to be an engaged citizen? Explain what, if any, changes to society have been attributed to your chosen social movement. After collecting the information, explain the movement as you understand it and summarize what you learned from the interviewee. Include how their experience impacts your understanding of individual and group rights and the role of social.

  • Mapping American Social Movements, University of Washington, 2015
  • Social Movements, Bellevue University, 2024
  • Tips For Conducting Meaningful Interviews, Jeanette Abrahamsen, 2017

Reference no: EM133773021

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