How did social darwinism impact western culture

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133687187


You are required to use the following sources in your analysis of the impact that Darwin's theory had on a social level, named Social Darwinism, not just in the nineteenth century but onward. Read and view each of the sources. I encourage you to write notes of your thoughts from each of the sources because they will be helpful when you are composing your historical interpretation. The source requirements for this primary source assignment are:

-(Required) Primary Source: "Progress: Its Law and Cause" by Herbert SpencerDownload "Progress: Its Law and Cause" by Herbert Spencer Bibliographic Citation: Spencer, Herbert. "Progress: Its Law and Cause". The Westminster Review, Vol 67. April 1857.

-(Required) Secondary Source: "Darwinism vs. Social Darwinism Part 1 | US History" by Khan Academy Bibliographic Citation: "Darwinism vs. Social Darwinism Part 1 | US History." YouTube, uploaded by Khan Academy, June 2016,

Additional Secondary Source(s): You can use outside sources, should you find that you need assistance to answer the prompt.

Using the primary and secondary source(s) listed above,

1. Write a historical monograph analyzing the impact that Darwin's theory had on a social level, named Social Darwinism, not just in the nineteenth century but onward. Start by summarizing Social Darwinism as it developed from Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.

2. Then, answer: In your opinion, how did Social Darwinism impact Western culture and, by extension, the world in the nineteenth century and after?

3. Finally, does Social Darwinism as a social theory have any relevance to the world we live in today?

Reference no: EM133687187

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