Reference no: EM13815008
-Must be at least 1500 words in length, typed, and submitted to the ‘Major Essay Assignment' Dropbox on the eLearn site.
-You will choose any one from the Major Essay options presented below. As was the case with the Primary Source Assignment, each essay option corresponds directly to one of the Four Units covered in this course. Again, the Instructor advises students to follow up on their Primary Source Assignment by choosing the Essay Option they have become most familiar and confident with.
-Once you have settled on an option, you must do some actual RESEARCH based on the sources provided by the Instructor. The student's hypothesis, or ‘main idea', should be a detailed statement, or several statements, pertaining directly to the questions presented by the option they have chosen;
-You MAY ONLY USE PRIMARY SOURCES (provided by the Instructor on the e-Learn site for this course) and the TEXTBOOK (as a SECONDARY SOURCE). No dot.coms will be counted as sources.
-Remember that you will be graded for STRUCTURE and REFERENCING as much so as ‘how' you write. To ensure that you get maximum points, be sure to have a clear Introduction, Main Body, and well as proper referencing within the Main Body and a corresponding ‘Works Cited' page or ‘Bibliography' page at the end of your essay. You can write like Shakespeare, but you will not achieve full success without these essential components.
-How did the concept of social and Civil Rights evolve during the 20th century with regard to AfricanAmericans in the United States?
-How did the concept of social and Civil Rights evolve during the 20th century with regard women in the United States?
-What is the relationship between the Second World War and the Cold War? How did each change the position of the United States in the world, and how did each change the United States within?
-How did the Second Industrial Revolution, science, and technology affect the culture, politics, and economics of the United States following the Civil War era?
-Explain the differences between the economic theories of Keynes and Hayek, and how each has impacted the culture, politics, and economy of the United States since 1945.
-How was the ‘Wild West' won? What cultural, economic, and political factors drove westward expansion? What were the human and cultural costs of western expansion?
-What was the ‘Progressive Movement' at the turn of the 20th century? Who were Progressives & what were they trying to achieve in the United States? Is it the role of government to intervene in American society?