How did racial tensions complicate and challenge

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133570836

How did racial tensions complicate and challenge the expansionist goals articulated in many American texts of the nineteenth century?
How do texts by African American, Native American, and Latino writers expand and transform concepts of American citizenship, identity, and masculinity?
What is a "frontier"? How have American ideas about the frontier changed over time?
How did the concept of Manifest Destiny impact nineteenth-century American political policies and literary aesthetics?
In The Squatter and the Don, what is a "squatter"? What is a "Don"?
What kinds of discrimination do the resident Californios face in The Squatter and the Don? How do the squatters jeopardize Californios' claims to their ranches? What types of tactics do the Californios adopt in their efforts to maintain their land?
Readers might expect Nat Love to be somewhat bitter about the development of the railroad since it led to the demise of his cowboy lifestyle, yet in his autobiography, he embraces his career as a Pullman Porter. What does Love find appealing about the railroad? Does his attitude reflect a typical American attitude toward technological change?
Think about Love's relationship to the western landscape and to America as a nation. At the close of Chapter XX, after detailing the beauties of the land, Love exhorts his reader to "let your chest swell with pride that you are an American." He goes on to proclaim, "I have seen a large part of America, and am still seeing it... America, I love thee, Sweet land of Liberty, home of the brave and the free." How does Love's status as a former slave complicate his celebration of the "liberty" and "freedom" of the United States?
Why do you think pop cultural representations of the "Old West" usually portray both cowboys and pioneers as Anglo-Americans? How does Nat Love's autobiography challenge traditional images of cowboy life? Does Love's narrative also participate in certain stereotypes?
In José Martí's "Our America," to whom does "our" America refer (who is the implied "we"), and how does he contrast "our" America with "their" America?
What problems does Marti say are occurring in various Spanish American republics.
Besides the dangers the Spanish American republics face from within, what does Marti see as the main danger from outside? What does he see as the cause of this danger?
Based on the Marti excerpt, what do you think were his feelings toward the United States? Good? Hostile? Mixed? Explain.

Reference no: EM133570836

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