How did racial justice factor into the progressive agenda

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133389738

Case Study: Activists were attempting to address pressing societal issues with a wide range of progressive reform in this era. However, not all issues were addressed in a positive way, and some issues were neglected altogether. Drawing on this unit's material, write a 250-350 word post considering the below questions in your response.


  • Discuss 1-2 positive reforms pushed forward by Progressive activists.
  • How were some conservationists misguided in their environmentalist efforts?
  • How did racial justice factor into the Progressive agenda?
  • Why is it important to acknowledge both the positive and negative impacts of reform movements like the Progressive Era?


Reference no: EM133389738

Questions Cloud

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How did racial justice factor into the progressive agenda : Discuss 1-2 positive reforms pushed forward by Progressive activists. How were some conservationists misguided in their environmentalist efforts?
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