How did it go beyond what you expected

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131760571

Simple reply to questions as its a group post but needs a reference.

Think of a company that has provided great customer service to you recently.

What did it do? How did it go beyond what you expected? What do companies have to do to get employees to deliver such services?

Reference no: EM131760571

Questions Cloud

What price should soar technologies be willing to accept : What price should SOAR TECHNOLOGIES be willing to accept in exchange for the patent - A new kind of hang glider is appearing over the cliffs of San Francisco
Record depreciation expense on the building for years : The estimated salvage value was $100,000. After using the building for 15 years, Record depreciation expense on the building for years 15 and 16
Population standard deviations are unknown : The population standard deviations are unknown but assumed equal. The number in the first sample is twenty two and the number in the second.
Test are normally distributed with a mean : Scores on the test are normally distributed with a mean of 79.7 and a standard deviation of 8.4. Find the numerical limits for a B grade.
How did it go beyond what you expected : What did it do? How did it go beyond what you expected? What do companies have to do to get employees to deliver such services?
Prpare a schedule of depreciation expense per year : Providence Medical Center bought equipment on January 2, 2013, for $15,000. Prpare a schedule of depreciation expense per year for the equipment
Determine the total cost of ending work in process inventory : Middle-East customers. The product goes through three departments. The following information is available for the first department during June, 2014.
The importance of brand in marketing strategy planning : BUMKG 330 -This assignment helps you understand the importance of brand in marketing strategy planning.
Francines fast deliveries inc (ffd) was organized : Francine's Fast Deliveries, Inc. (FFD) was organized in December of 2011. It had limited activity in 2011. The resulting balance sheet


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