How did identities conflict during resistance to colonialism

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131101776

Discussion Problems

1. Compare and contrast popular resistance to European dominance and colonialism in India, East Asia and in Sub-Saharan Africa. Be sure to focus on the different types of political and economic systems individual leaders promoted and whether they adopted violent or nonviolent opposition

2. How did identities conflict during the resistance to colonialism? For instance, in what ways did nationalist identity conflict with class identity and religious identity? Were there places where these identities worked together instead of conflicting?

3. How do you think the colonial legacy has shaped the relationship between the West (Europe and the United States) and the non-Western world (specifically Africa, the Middle East, and East Asia)? How might they perceive us through the filter of their colonial past?

4. Should we try to alter the non-Western image of us (the United States and Western culture in general)? If so, how should we try to do this?

Reference no: EM131101776

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