Reference no: EM132198773 , Length: 3
Project: "God's Big Picture" Presented
Instructions: You are to use one of the following methods to resent god's plan, sovereignty, and grace to mankind. In other words, God's Big Picture from Creation to David.
As you design or write your project, you are to do so with the following purpose:
To tell someone who has never heard the message of God's amazing plan what He has done and why He has done it. What was His purpose?
How did it all fit together? What impact does it have onus and what does this tell us about God and His nature (and Jesus)?
Compose a paper as though you were explaining what you have learned so far, this year.Your paper must be broken down into the following parts:
The Summary- 1 page
a) Creation and sin
b) Results of sin and promise of a Savior
c) Sin and God's continual deliverance
d) Abraham and God's promise-
e) Jacob and Joseph (how Satan tried to work, but God used it for good)
f) Moses and the Israelites.
g) 10 commandments and the Tabernacle
h) Joshua and the taking of the Promised Land
i) Judges
j) King Saul and Samuel
k) King David
(B and C should be at least 1 page together)
B. How did God show His sovereignty, glory, mercy and grace through all these events?
C. How do we see each of these events point to the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham, especially fulfilled in or Savior Jesus Christ?
(1/2 page)
D. How would you explain to someone who does not know the Lord, or has never heard about his grace, the plan of God up to this point and the Good News of what He has done?
Required: 12pt. Font, typed- Length- 3 to 5 pages Title page