How current studies will assist you

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM132994418

CA1 Job Roles Guidelines

The purpose of the CA-Job Roles is for you to research and identify the course of action that would be required in assisting you reach a position that currently you aspire to. This does not necessarily mean that it has to be a job in the IT Industry such as a Developer, however it should focus on the Professional capacity of the role and linked to the content of the module

If you long term goal is outside a direct IT position, then highlight how your current studies will assist you and be beneficial in achieving your goal.

You should gather information on what the requirements are for you chosen role. The steps that you will need to take to achieve this goal. The time frame you believe would be required and how your existing qualifications / experience could assist you along with your current studies etc.

It is a personal journey that you are undertaking to achieve your goal. You may find as part of your research that there may be more than one way to achieve this goal. You may also discover that based on your research your goal changes.

Your report structure should follow the following guidelines as much as possible

Report Structure

Your written work should include critical evaluation and recommendations or conclusions from your findings. A typical structure of a paper will include:

1. Introduction - where you introduce the reader to the selected topic, provide brief details of the purpose of your research, present the aim / objectives of your paper, and describe profiles of forthcoming sections.

2. Main Body - where you provide details of your research, examine, and discuss related areas etc. This could be divided into several subsections.

3. A timeline of your possible actions (Education, Work experience etc) to achieve your goals

4. Conclusions - where you will critically discuss your findings.

5. References - you should aim for approx. 6 references.

All references should meet the Harvard referencing style. The word count is between 1500 and 2000 words.

Your work must be written in your own words and must include a reference section indicating all your sources of information.

Attachment:- Job Roles Guidelines.rar

Reference no: EM132994418

Questions Cloud

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Market factor of governmental affect hospital performance : How does the major market factor of governmental affect hospital performance?
How current studies will assist you : How current studies will assist you and be beneficial in achieving your goal - identify the course of action -
Extent of researcher interference for the article : a. Please propose the appropriate research strategy and explain why did you choose it?
How global inequality plays out in india : How global inequality plays out in India. Why are there so many poor children living at the train station? How are they often criminalized?
Average number of patients waiting in the queue : To combat the spread of Covid- 19, a vaccination center is built. Patients are coming to the vaccination center at random, at an average of 4.2 patients per min
Explain the key components of production planning : Using examples, explain the key components of production planning


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Theory of Computation Questions & Answers

  Finite-state machine design

Create a finite-state machine design to turn your FPGA development board into a simple programmable music box.

  Redundant sequence identi cation

Redundant sequence identi cation

  Compute a shortest superstring

Dynamic programming algorithm to compute a shortest superstring.

  Propositional and predicate logic

Write down a structural induction principle for the PlayTree free type

  Design a syntactic analyzer

Design a syntactic analyzer for the language specified by the grammar

  Design unambiguous grammar to parse expressions

Write a program would read two numbers and then print all numbers between the first and the second, inclusive. Design unambiguous grammar to parse expressions

  Consider a logic function with three outputs

Consider a logic function with three outputs,  A ,  B , and  C , and three inputs,  D ,  E , and  F . The function is defined as follows:  A  is true if at least one input is true,  B  is true

  Considering a single programmed operating system

Considering a single programmed operating system, what is the minimal total time required to complete executions of the two processes? You should explain your answer with a diagram.

  How to construct an nfa

Give a construction that assumes you are given a DFA for L and show how to construct an NFA (with or without ε-moves) to recognize sort(L).

  Equivalence classes to construct minimal dfa for language

How many equivalence classes does this relation have and what are they? Use these equivalence classes to construct the minimal DFA for the language.

  Impact of moore-s law on data center costs

Discuss the impact of Moore's law on data center costs on such things as servers and communications equipment. List at least 3 steps or recommendations your data center can take to offset some or all of the effect of Moore's law.

  Problem encountered in statements in predicate logic

How the problem would be encountered in attempting to represent the following statements in Predicate logic. it should be possible to: John only likes to see French movies.

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