How cultural differences in colors and images are perceived

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM1354059

Q1) Colors and symbols have different meanings in different cultures. Images which are acceptable and effective in one culture may be ineffective or even offensive in another. What are some examples of cultural differences in how colors and images are perceived? How would you change the colors and images on your website to appeal to a wider global audience.

Reference no: EM1354059

Questions Cloud

Calculate the new cash convergence cycle : Firm x has 15 million of sales, two million of inventories, three million of recievables, and 1 million of payables. its cost of goods sold is 80% of sales,
Evaluation tool for annual performance : The organization for which I work employs an annual performance evaluation tool that, while it has an organization wide format, is specific to each particular job.
Organizational structure and control-a breakdown : The design of an organization includes the process of making decisions. Outline the six key elements of an organization's structure.
Audit of information systems-controls : Discuss the difference between general controls and application controls. Provide an example of a policy on internal controls. How might a policy on internal controls be communicated to employees?
How cultural differences in colors and images are perceived : What are some examples of cultural differences in how colors and images are perceived? How would you change the colors and images on your website to appeal to a wider global audience.
Elucidate why the tax burden will not actually fall : Producers will be made to pay a tax for each beer sold. Use a graph to elucidate why the tax burden will not actually fall on the people that this person wants to punish.
Bank reconciliation-balances : You have received the bank statement for your company's account and need to reconcile it with your cash T-account. Your records show an ending balance for the month of $12,722.40 while the bank's records show an ending balance of $12,367.16.
Pay fairness and structure : List and describe the perceptions employees use to determine the fairness of the company's procedures and outcomes
Audit committee-compensation committee : Which is more important to effective corporate governance: an audit committee or a compensation committee? Why? Explain your answer.


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