How could you design a mobile website

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131177794

Discussion 1:

"Visual Effects and Mobile Websites" Please respond to the following:

• Imagine that you add Internet Explorer filters to a Website containing fixed images to enhance the images with a shadow. After adding the filters, it fails to work. Explain why this may have happened. Propose another solution that you can use to get the desired effect.

• Mobile Websites, in most cases, should be simpler than standard sites. How could you design a mobile Website so you would not have to eliminate graphic elements?

Discussion 2:

"Applying Skills Learned" Please respond to the following:

• From the e-Activity, (Use the Internet to locate a Website of your choice. Right-click on the home page and select "view page source." Read through the source code and take note of the version of HTML being used, the use of comment tags, and any type of information presented in the head of the document) explain what you learned about the Website you selected by looking at the source code. (i.e., the version of HTML that was used, comment tags, if the head elements were marked, and if so, the type of information they contained.) Thinking back to the first week when you performed this task, assess your knowledge and growth.

• Based on what you have learned, provide recommendations for improvement to the source code.

Reference no: EM131177794

Questions Cloud

Involvement in a new product development : Why is it important to have early supplier involvement in a new product development?
Explain the process you would use to generate the report : The input file contains many lines of product data: Each line contains product identification, name, price, and quantity. Explain the process you would use to generate the report.
Determine and describe ten best practices : Determine and describe ten best practices for effectively using information technology, regulations, and risk management. Support your best practices with Internet research and your personal experience.
Prove that every nontrivial tree has at least two vertices : Among all the paths in S, choose a path P with the most edges. (Why is it possible to find such a P?) What can you say about the initial and final vertices of P? Why?
How could you design a mobile website : Mobile Websites, in most cases, should be simpler than standard sites. How could you design a mobile Website so you would not have to eliminate graphic elements?
Procedure for design using anthropometric data : Question 2: Discuss the procedure for design using anthropometric data. Include Confidence Intervals (CIs)
What is the average number of customers in the system : What is the average number of customers waiting in the entire system?- what is the average number of customers in the system?
Is character an essential ingredient in ethical leadership : Do you agree with the Waiter Rule? Does it provide useful insights into who might be an ethical or unethical leader? Should corporate boards consider character when hiring someone for the top position?
Expected number of airplanes circling the airport : What would be the expected number of airplanes circling the airport, waiting in queue for clearance to land, if this system were to be used?


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