How could you accommodate and reduce the stress of students

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Reference no: EM133629066

Discussion Post

As you may recall from earlier weeks, not all students will come into your course ready and excited to learn. There may be times when you teach a required course for non-majors who may not understand nor appreciate the need for a psychology course. How can you help students relate the course material to their own lives? Are there activities that would help you bridge the gap between their lives and the material?

In addition, you might encounter students who are working through personal circumstances or issues that influenced their interest in psychology and affect how they respond to the course material. How could you accommodate and reduce the stress of students with real or imagined psychological issues?

For this Discussion, review and study this week's Learning Resources and the Key Elements of Effective Course Design media piece as well as the Stallman article from Week 1. Then consider what you believe are the most important elements in designing an introductory psychology course. Finally, think about how these elements relate to the students you might encounter in psychology courses (e.g., beginning college students both psychology majors and non-psychology majors, those who have experiences they wish to explore from a psychological perspective, those at risk for elevated mental distress, those experiencing physical illness, and those who believe they have the problems studied in a psychology class).


Post a brief description of three key elements in course design from among those identified in this Learning Resources, and explain why they are important. Then relate the elements you identified to the design of an introductory psychology course. Finally, explain one challenge you might encounter when designing an introductory psychology course for psychology majors and a different challenge you might encounter when designing an introductory psychology course for non-psychology majors.

Reference no: EM133629066

Questions Cloud

Are there certain type of positive or negative reinforcement : Are there certain types of positive or negative reinforcement that work especially well for you? Have they always been effective?
Could be negative consequences of implementing reinforcement : Could there be negative consequences of implementing positive reinforcement to reward a child's academic achievements? If so, to which extend?
How does the christian concept of the afterlife differ : Use Bible verses to support your response. How does the Christian concept of the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
How does food become contaminated : How does food become contaminated? What is the role of food manufacturers and retailers? What should we, as consumers, do to prevent foodborne illness?
How could you accommodate and reduce the stress of students : How they respond to the course material. How could you accommodate and reduce the stress of students with real or imagined psychological issues?
How does one gain eternal life : How does one gain eternal life? How does the Christian concept of the afterlife differ from that concept in other worldviews?
Discuss the main level of the ecological model : Discuss the main level of the Ecological Model (intrapersonal, interpersonal, community/institutional, or policy level) you see yourself working under.
How nutrition assessment may determine plan of care : How nutrition assessment may determine plan of care, influence complication rates, and/or play a role in patient outcomes.
Explain the implications of mismatching the budget : Explain the implications of mismatching the budget and the idea highlighted in the case scenario.


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