How could we have imported inflation from the usa

Assignment Help International Economics
Reference no: EM131177603

Assignment: International Finance and Monetary System


In Lessons 10 to 12, you continued to examine international business issues related to economic co-operation, regional economic integration (trading blocs), and the international monetary system.

This assignment will also contribute to the development of your Major Project.


Part A: Economic Cooperation and Regional Economic Integration

Prepare a 750-1,000 word report (2 to 3 pages, double-spaced) with the following:

1. Of which trading blocs are your two target countries members? If not part of a bloc, which bloc do you think they should join? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of being part of a trading bloc.

2. How will Canada's membership in NAFTA help or hinder your ability to take your product or service to your two target countries?

3. What is the difference between a free trade agreement (such as NAFTA) and an Economic Union (such as the EU)? What would be the advantages and disadvantages for Canada to join a Customs Union with the USA and Mexico?

4. Who are the PIGS in the EU? What are the disadvantages to the other countries for being in a tightly coupled economic union with them?

Part B: International Money Markets and Foreign Exchange.

Prepare a 1,000-1,500 word report (3 to 4 pages, double-spaced) with the following:

1. In many ways, the economy of a country is like the economy of a household. If the family spends more than it earns, then it faces difficult times. On the other hand, if a family earns more than it spends, then it can save for a rainy day. Discuss the relevance of this analogy to the economy of a country. In particular, discuss imports, exports, the balance of payments, and the strengthening or weakening of the nation's currency.

2. When the USA experienced high inflation in the 1970s, Canada also experienced high inflation. Indeed, Canada was said to have "imported inflation" from the USA. If Canada's exports to the USA were high, our foreign exchange reserves would have increased. Since exports create jobs, how could we have imported inflation from the USA?

3. Suppose a Canadian firm wants to import canned beef from Brazil. The shape of graph of GDP per capita (in US$) from 1960 to 2005 (below) shows that Canada as a significantly higher rate of GDP increase. Canada also had a higher rate of exports. Based on these two factors, which country would have the harder currency during this period? Why? Which country do you think would have the greater rate of inflation in this period? Why? Find the relevant PPP numbers for each country. Does the result match your analysis?

4. Based on the 1960-2005 period, if a Canadian company were to import from Brazil, and must pay in Brazilian reias when the goods are delivered in 90 days, should the company get the currency through the spot or the futures market? Why? Would it be different if they had to pay in $US? Explain.

Part C: International Monetary Systems

Prepare a 500-1,000 word report (2 to 4 pages, double-spaced) to reflect on and compare the current economic, political, technical and financial risks your international business will face entering the two countries you selected. Considerations might include:

• Economic stability
• Currency fluctuations and inflation
• Rising nationalism and other political uncertainties
• Potential changes in administrative trade barriers
• Accounting practices
• Taxation
• Relevant cultural or technological forces.

Reference no: EM131177603

Questions Cloud

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What is a value proposition : Explain what is meant by positioning as a product-selling strategy. What is a value proposition? Why have salespeople assumed an important role in positioning products?
How could we have imported inflation from the usa : If Canada's exports to the USA were high, our foreign exchange reserves would have increased. Since exports create jobs, how could we have imported inflation from the USA?
Legal action against a client for payment : Using Westlaw, find one recent case in which a law firm had to pursue legal action against a client for payment. Summarize the case and include a citation to it.
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Discuss the implications of this statement : It has been said that within the next few years, smart phones will become the single most important digital device we own. Discuss the implications of this statement.
Are there programs in place to contribute to community : Are there programs or initiatives in place to contribute to the community in some way? Review and describe these programs and comment on their effectiveness to the community, the employees, and the company.


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