How could the specifics of the investigation be listed

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Reference no: EM133318512

On July 24th, 2018, Sergeant Jeff Gentry of the Special Investigations Division and a team of detectives from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office were staking out a parking lot. They're using an informant, code-named "Charlie," who's wearing a wire and posing as a buyer from out of town. He's meeting with Mexican distributors after being offered $40,000 for half a kilo of high-grade heroin by Mexican distributors. A black pickup truck pulls up next to Charlie but then leaves to get the product.

The seller then pulls back up next to Charlie's white sedan, and at this time, the seller exits his vehicle and gets into the informant's vehicle. The seller sat in the informant's vehicle for two minutes, talking about the product and whether the distributors had any more, which the seller said was back at their house. Once the informant IDs the product, he leaves the vehicle and ties his shoe to signal the heroin has been identified. Two suspects were arrested at the scene, while a third was apprehended on the other side of the highway after jumping a wall as he fled. Once the men are in custody, the 1/2 kilogram of black tar heroin worth $40,000 is located on the truck's front seat, along with a pistol. The investigators then went to what they believed was the stash house in a trailer park, where the detectives had been watching the distributors earlier in the day.

How could the specifics of the investigation be listed?

How would the scenario be documented?

What would the next steps of an investigation regarding this incident entail?

By code and narrative, what would the appropriate criminal statute(s) in New Jersey be to make an arrest?

How could the criminal statute (s) about this incident be justified?, i.e., Is there probable cause that the suspect committed the offense?

Reference no: EM133318512

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