How could modeling have been improved

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Reference no: EM133654661

Assignment: Research-Based Reading

Watch the videos, "Literacy Lesson First Grade" and "3rd Grade Main Idea Lesson,"

What is ClickUp? VA ( 3rd Grade Main Idea Lesson - YouTube

For each lesson, write a 200-350 word analysis of how the teacher used the following five components of effective literacy instruction.

A. Explicit instruction with modeling
B. Systematic instruction with scaffolding
C. Student practice with multiple opportunities
D. Assessment and progress monitoring
E. Feedback

In addition, write a 200-350 word comparison of the lessons, addressing the following questions:

A. How was each lesson taught effectively?
B. How could modeling have been improved?
C. How did each teacher address exceptionalities (ELL, gifted and talented, special education) during the lessons?
D. How did each teacher scaffold the lesson to meet students' various needs?

Reference no: EM133654661

Questions Cloud

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How could modeling have been improved : How could modeling have been improved? How did each teacher address exceptionalities (ELL, gifted and talented, special education) during the lessons?
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Categorized automated control sales process employees : How should the following scenario be categorized automated control Sales process employees violate established segregation of duties.


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