How could hurdle be overcome

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Reference no: EM133447964

A West Los Angeles hospital may have handed the wrong baby to a woman who gave birth to a boy in the hospital last month, a family spokesman said yesterday. Rosetta Kirk, 30, of Inglewood became suspicious of a switch Sunday when she notice that the infant she had seemed smaller than the one she gave birth to Feb. 11 at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in West Los Angeles, said Shelly Shellmare, a spokesman for the family's attorney.
"She got nervous. She went to the dresser and got the baby's armband and discovered that it had a different name on the armband, Shellmare said.
A Kaiser Permanente spokeswoman, Ellen Murphy, said the hospital is investigating Kirk's claim. She refused to say if the hospital took tests to investigate Kirk's claim.
Shellmare claimed, however, that the hospital had confirmed the infant was smaller than the baby Kirk delivered. Kirk's son, Nicholas, was 21 inches long and weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces at birth, Shellmare said. The baby she had nursed at home for more than three weeks was 18 inches long and weighed 6 pounds, he said.
Kirk and the baby's father, Tommy Milligan, 47, have become attached to the baby boy, Murphy said.
"The father broke down and cried," Murphy said. "They took it home. They thought it was their new son." Kaiser Permanente has not vet told the couple the whereabouts of the baby Kirk believes is hers, Murphy said. "They're real nervous," Murphy said. "They're being real nice to us.
Kirk began to suspect she had been given the wrong baby after she saw a photograph of the child she had borne, taken moments after birth in the hospital delivery room, Murphy said. That baby had chubby cheeks, while the infant sent home with her had "itty bitty" cheeks, Murphy said.
Dr. William Wilcox, a pediatrician at UCLA Medical Center said it is not unusual for a baby to lose weight after birth. Infants lose weight after birth because they are not used to receiving food outside the womb, he said. Infants, however, do not lose length, Wilcox said. "A baby would be growing, not shrinking," Wilcox said. "Old people shrink."

1) Mark all trace data on your schematization (TD). Why are these trace data?

2) A natural rival to Kirk's conclusion is that the baby is actually her own (C). What is offered as an explanatory hurdle for this rival?

3) How could this hurdle be overcome? (What new fact could you find out that would make C2 more likely than C1. Be careful: this must be compatible with the support claims you have above.)

Reference no: EM133447964

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