Reference no: EM132290397
New Technologies in Support of Student Learning
In today's ever changing global technological world, it is expected that higher education professionals both in academic affairs and student affairs are able to communicate with and engage students through e-mail, social media, mobile devices, online learning, instant messaging, live chat programs, and other technological means.
No longer is a simple phone call or postmarked letter sufficient to communicate with students quickly and directly. Engaging students and facilitating learning through these technological resources is not always an easy task, however, considering how quickly new communication tools emerge!
In this final week of the course, you will explore how you can use new and emerging technologies to communicate effectively with students, provide support for their learning and development, and collaborate closely with your academic or student affairs colleagues in creating supportive learning environments.
In preparation for this week's activities, reflect on how technology has changed since you first became a college student. How has technology made your life easier or more complicated, as a student or as a higher education professional working with students?
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Propose strategies for collaboration between academic and student affairs on issues of technology implementation
Discussion: DEEP Thoughts
For this final Discussion, consider these questions:
• What makes the DEEP institutions "special" when it comes to supportive student learning environments?
• How could an institution that does not currently display the characteristics of a DEEP institution work toward implementing similar principles and practices?
• How could the institution use technology to support these efforts, and overcome organizational, financial, or cultural challenges that might otherwise limit its progress toward improving the learning environment for students?
Must be 3 to 4 papragraphs
Use in text citations using below learning resources
Learning Resources
Focus On
As you explore this week's Learning Resources, focus on the implications to student learning presented by rapidly changing and growing technology in the online and global world.