How could a research project help you explore your interests

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Reference no: EM132325352

Assignment: Prepare: In order to successfully complete this week's assignments:

1. Watch Credibility: Critical Thinking.

2. Read the following chapters from the text, Essaying the Past: How to Read, Write, and Think about History:

• Chapter 1: History: It's About Time

• Chapter 2: What's the Story with History?

• Chapter 3: The Sources of History

• Chapter 4: Good Answers Begin with Good Questions

• Appendix A: Writing anEssay: Ten Easy Steps in Review

Reflect: The first step in the research process is selecting a topic that interests you and is manageable within the context of this course. As you reflect on your coursework in History, which the following themes do you find most intriguing?

• Belief systems in historical context

• Colonialism or decolonization

• Empire or imperialism

• Gender roles and relationships in historical context

• Nationalism

• Revolution (social, political, cultural, or economic)

• Social traditions or social change

As you think about your research topic

• Start to narrow your focus.

• Try to pose your idea as an answer to a how or why question.

• Consider what kinds of primary sources may be available to support your inquiry. Think about how your idea fits into the historiography of the topic or issue.

• Remember that your topic must be manageable within the scope and confines of this course.

Write: In an initial post of at least 250-300 words, state the theme that interests you and explain how or why it relates to the topic you wish to examine in your Final Capstone Research Project.

• How could a research project help you explore your interests and seek answers to questions you may have?

• What research strategies can you use to begin your inquiry?

• How does your interest in a broad theme lead to a more specific topic for your paper?

Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references.

Reference no: EM132325352

Questions Cloud

Draw explicit comparisons to the current rule of xi jinping : Compare the rise to power, the rule and the legacy of two different emperors. Describe some of the broader qualities of and key people within the dynasties.
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Create the standard three views by freehand rough sketching : Using the grid to estimate the size of the parts, create the standard three views by freehand rough sketching. Given the Orthographic Top view, Front view.
What was life really like for the early frontiersmen : Two very common names we hear when discussing life on the Early Tennessee frontier, which included parts of North Carolina and Kentucky, are Davy Crockett.
How could a research project help you explore your interests : In an initial post of at least 250-300 words, state the theme that interests you and explain how or why it relates to the topic you wish to examine.
What have other philosophers said about the work : Write a review of what you read. Describe what the work is about and give your true personal reflections on it. Here are some questions you might consider.
What are the greatest cyber crime threats : You have been an investigator for the St. Louis Police Department for many years. Recent surges in cyber crime have caused your police department to consider.
Create a query to find one type of device : In today's world, most college students will own at least one electronic device, such as a cell phone. Many students have multiple electronic devices.
What sacrifices would a business have to make : You may have noticed the emphasis on preparedness. While society expects a business to be prepared for disasters and to recover using its own resources.


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