How convincing or unconvincing the evidence for the thesis

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Reference no: EM133280740

Your review should have a few sentences or a paragraph for each question. Use complete sentences and specific examples from the writing to clarify what you are referring to. Do not address the spelling, punctuation, grammar, or mechanics

a. State what you think the main point (thesis statement) of these articles are.

b. State how convincing or unconvincing the evidence for the thesis is. Be specific here. For instance, you might indicate why some evidence is convincing while other information seems weak, giving the specific reason.

c. Indicate where you feel the writer needs to add more information because the point being made is unclear or not very convincing yet.

d. What is the most important thing the writer can do to make this paper better?

1. There has been a rise in mental health cases and there is evidence that a direct correlation with social media usage. The age of mental health cases is getting lower and lower. Mental health is a major issue because it can make people do things that they do not really want to do but their mind and body is "making" them. Mental health can affect how we think, feel, and act. This also coincides with how stress is handled, communication and relationships with others and making choices. Mental health can be an issue from childhood all the way till adulthood. Mental health and social media is important to talk about because it may cause someone to hurt themselves or others. With social media people can say mean and hurtful things and this is why people should know their limits when it comes to their use of social media. Sometime social media can be too much for other. This may be because they are not mature enough or make the right decision when using and that is and can be a major issue with younger teens and children.

The main reason social media affects the mental health of others is because of the hurtful comments or actions within the apps. On social media people can post and comment on other peers' posts. This opens people to mock others or comment rude and unnecessary things on people's posts. When people post things on the internet they have to be prepared for things they may not want to see because you do not have control over other people's actions. Some social media has settings where users can filter out certain things in your comments and block people, but if they have a large following on social media, it may be hard to block and filter out everything that they may find hurtful. When people find themselvesves getting down on or feeling sad because of what others are saying it may be a good idea to take a break from that social media to help thethem clear their mind. Now talking about the other side and as to why people do and say mean things, even though they sometimes might not mean it. Sometimes in the heat of a moment we say things that we wish we could take back once we think everything that has happened to make us angry or upset. For example Iskra Fileva Ph.D in Why We Say Hurtful Things We Do Not Mean state, "Those whose attempted suicide by jumping from the Golden Gate bridge generally say they regretted the decision to jump to their death immediately, on the way to the water" (Fileva). When people act out of anger or sadness it often comes out in the wrong way. Nobody is perfect and there is no way for someone to always to say things in the right way but in those moments when you are angry or hurt it is good to just take a step back and really think, this may be minutes, hours, or day(s).

A big question that parents now a days come in conflict is their child and getting their own social media. The age of children on social media gets younger and younger and with that the kids want to be just like their peers and fear missing things because they did not get to have social media. Every child is different and every maturity level is different so you age your child getting social really varies to each parent and each child. There is an age limit on every social media but that is not really enforced and monitored. Children are lying about their age and that leads to bigger problems they may face with relationships. The company Family Zone talked with three different doctors and got their opinions on different social medias and how old a child should be before making an account. Dr Kristy Goodwin in Social Media: What is the right age to allow access? States "It is difficult to prescribe a precise age limit as kids need to have social and emotional skills to cope with the demands of social media. For some kids it be 13 and for others it may be 15" (Brown, Goodwin, and Maslin). It is good for parents to set boundaries when it comes to your their and social media. Parents should be asking their child to tell their mom or dad when they want to get a certain social media platform. To help you know if the child is ready, ask them questions like why you want the app, how do you plan to use it, and do you know anything about this app. Those are good question to know and ask before parents should allow their child to get the social media app they want. Then, when the parent thinks the child is ready to have social media the parent, if the parent does not already, get that social media and follow their child is getting. This will help the parent monitor what the child is doing and get comments on. Overall, there is no right age for a child to get social media, it is all up to the parents and if they think they are ready.

Social media is a place where people can connect and see what each other is doing without being there. There are many positive things that come out of social media, but the negatives can really take a toll on someone's life. The way social media affects someone's mental health can be quite different for each person and each platform. Most of the time people are only posting the good things that happen in their life. Very rarely do people post how terrible there life is. This can create an illusion to others and make them think that their life is so bad and then creates jealousy. Jealousy can lead to forms of mental illness is by getting sad and depressed about how bad their life is. People also sometimes post edited pictures of themselves to create the perfect body, skin, etc. This then can create insecurities within other people because they do not have the perfect body, or they have aches. When people get insecure about themselves it can make them feel down and not want to go places or do things because they are not feeling confident or thing people will judge them for how they look. Social media can mess up your sleep schedule. Simao Gökbaurak in Healthier Relationship with Social Media states, "people who use social media, particularly at night tend to go to bed later, sleep less, and sleep worse" (Gökbayrak and Tartakovsky). People who use social media a lot may have FOMO. This is the fear of missing out. This can disrupt someone's sleep by their mind racing and worrying about what others are doing. When someone finds themself using social media a lot and especially at night they should try to not use their phone 30 minutes before they go to bed to help their mind calm down. If you get bored at night and do not know what to do besides go on your phone, then try to find things to distract you like reading a book or doing a puzzle. This helps keep their mind busy and working while also not getting attached and addicted to their phone and social media apps.

There is many more evidence that proves that social media has a direct correlation with mental heath issues. When someone finds themselves finding hurtful and mean comments on their social media page they should try to get rid of it and not make it ruin their day or have day thoughts of hurting themselves or other. When someone says something mean it can be hard for people not to let it get to them, but they must think about how it is not themself that is hurting it is the other person and they are just projecting it onto them to make them feel better. Social media users that use it too much and have it affect their state of mind need to take a step back and think of other things that can help their brain and self be occupied. The over use of social media can be a direct connection with not at the right age of use. Being old enough and mature enough is especially important and can cause others to do things they are not supposed to or see things they should not be looking for. In conclusion, everyone needs to be more careful, respectful, and nice to others and themselves when it comes to the use of social media because it can cause serious problems in their life.


2. U.S veterans face one of the scariest life-threatening jobs in the world. They put their lives on the line fighting for us and our country while we sit back living comfortably. The amount of sacrifices they have made such as leaving home for a long time, numerous injuries, trauma, increasing mental health problems, and more. Even with all of these wrenching sacrifices, they still are not cared for enough. Some return to a place they used to call a home with no family, no support, no home, or shelter. How come some veterans are able to return home with aid and support but not all of them? Shouldn't all veterans after serving their time return back safe with a sense of security knowing there is a home and not having to worry about living on the street? This is an important problem in our world because more and more veterans are becoming homeless as time moves forward and something needs to be changed. Some may argue that it was their choice in going into the military or that they volunteered. But still, they are putting their life on the line just for our country. This leads back to the question at hand, how come all veterans are not being cared for?

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs owned by the government has a program just for veterans in need whether they are struggling financially or are on the brink of becoming homeless. This program has helped hundreds of thousands of veterans with a place to call their home. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, it says "for very low-income Veterans, SSVF provides case management and supportive services to prevent the imminent loss of a Veteran's home or identify a new, more suitable housing situation for the individual and his or her family; or to rapidly re-house Veterans and their families who are homeless and might remain homeless without this assistance" (VHA Office of Mental Health). This is a great program because it does not only support veterans who are already homeless, it supports those who are also at risk of becoming homeless. This is a positive in our society which is helping take a few steps forward to helping these veterans find a home.

Many people serving the military can develop mental illnesses as well as depression, physical injuries, anxiety, and many more. Later after serving their time in the military and become veterans, they could have already developed life changing trauma and mental illnesses and they are not getting the help they need with that. This is also a main cause to why many veterans are homeless. They are not receiving the treatment or help that they need to at least help them get back on track although it might not bring them back to 100%. Jen Christensen, a reporter for CNN health, explains the problem of why veterans are not getting the mental care they need in her article. Christensen says "about 4 million people have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, the longest sustained US military operations in history. A disproportionate number have come back with mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, research shows" (Christensen). This is a major problem that needs more attention. The state that the world is in right now, veteran homelessness is now becoming a growing factor in our society. On top of veterans developing mental issues, there have been cases to where hospitals and the health system failed to support and aid these fellow veterans. Article written by a former Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute writes "Public disgust with the veterans' health system came to the fore in 2014 amid reports that at least 40 veterans had died while waiting for care that took too long to get" (Graham).

Many may argue and say that it was their choice or that they volunteered into the military, but they are still risking their only life putting it on the line fighting for our country and they don't get anything in return? They don't at least have some sort of security of a home when they get back. They spend so much time away from their friends and family as well as a place they used to once call a home just for some of them to return with nothing. Many times, it's not even their fault that they return with nothing. When serving their time in the military, circumstances can happen where they can develop mental illnesses or physical injuries where it impairs their thoughts and how they think. They can even come back not knowing who their own family are. Even training in the military can be mentally taxing as well as being in the war can be traumatizing for them. This is something every person will consider when joining the military or any work force in that area. Rewards aren't necessary, more like support and aid is needed. Health care is also an important factor. A private non-profit society known as the National Academy of Sciences says that "several studies have shown, for example, that a large number of veterans don't receive any treatment following diagnoses of posttraumatic stress disorder, substance use disorder, or depression. Many veterans don't know how to apply for veterans' mental health care benefits, are unsure if they are eligible, or are unaware that mental health care benefits are available" (Terrel Smith). This problem needs more attention. If a veteran doesn't know if how to apply or know if they are eligible to apply for health care benefits, then there is definitely something missing and needs to be found and fixed. Veterans should not go out of their way to make sure everything is taken care of. Instead, the information should already be known to them. Dating way back to the Civil War and World War 1, there was a different way with dealing with individuals who served in the military. "The traditional method of dealing with those who had served in the military following the Civil War and prior to the First World War was to award them pensions" (Hamowy 2). Even with pensions, this was limited only to the widows of soldiers or soldiers who have passed while on duty serving in the military, which means not every soldier was awarded pensions.

The perspective of veterans not getting the mental help that they need is the biggest problem. One of the biggest causes of veteran homelessness is mental health. Mental health includes trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, and the list just go on and on. Before someone decides to join the military, they are in the right state of mind and understand the negative circumstances that could arise from their decision. When serving the military, these problems will start building up. Stress and anxiety come in to play, and then soon depression because they are so far away from home and they spend so much time away from their friends and family, partnered with all of that, they have to deal with trauma while at the same time sustaining physical injuries while in the military. In conclusion, veterans need more support and need to be cared for when they are done serving their time in the military.

Reference no: EM133280740

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