How control constructs and arrays would resolve problem

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13810931

Arrays and control structures are valuable tools when programming. An array contains a number of variables all being the same data type. Control structures such as selection and repetition constructs enable programmers to define variations in program flow depending upon certain conditions which may even involve repeating statements.

Discussed a personal experience using spreadsheets

As far as personal experience, at my church I am the chairperson of the Board of Trustee. As a Trustee we have be given the responsibility to handle the money of the church. Therefore we have to maintain a spreadsheet with the Churches' budget. With that said, as far as the church goes we have to keep up with the church expenses and paying the bills for the church. We then reconcile against the church budget.

Explained the situation and how control constructs and arrays would resolve problem

Now the issue that presents itself is that how do I search through the Church budgets spreadsheet which represent a large database to find expenses and to see what left. I can use the control construct syntax such as" if "and "while" in a program with condition to find the information needed. Then I can construct and array with sub budget items that I can track the expenders.

Supported reason for using selection constructs or repetition constructs

The main reason I use the construct in programming is the loop statement. Many complex tasks require reparation of an action.

Offered and developed code to solve problem


public class ChurchBudget {
static double income = 0;
static double billsTotal = 0;
static double bills[];
static double payTotal = 0;
static double pay[];

public static void main(String args[]){
bills = new double [6];
bills[0] = 0;//rent
bills[1] = 0;//electric
bills[2] = 0;//water
bills[3] = 0;//food
bills[4] = 0;//gas

pay = new double [4];
pay[0] = 0;
pay[1] = 0;
pay[2] = 0;
pay[3] = 0;

getExpenses(bills[0], bills[1], bills[2], bills[3], bills[4], bills[5]);
getIncome(pay[0], pay[1], pay[2], pay[3]);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "*****Expenses and Budget*****\n\n" +
"Rent: " + bills[0] + "\n" +
"Electric: " + bills[1] + "\n" +
"Water: " + bills[2] + "\n" +
"Food: " + bills[3] + "\n" +
"Gas: " + bills[4] + "\n" +
"Total Income: " + payTotal + "\n" +
"Total Expenses: " + billsTotal + "\n" +
"Current Budget: " + (payTotal - billsTotal));

}//end of main method

public static double getExpenses(double rent, double elec, double water, double food, double gas, ){
bills[0] = rent = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter rent ammount"));
bills[1] = elec = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter electric ammount"));
bills[2] = water = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter water ammount"));
bills[3] = food = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter food ammount"));
bills[4] = gas = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter gas ammount"));

billsTotal = bills[0]+bills[1]+bills[2]+bills[3]+bills[4]+bills[5];

}//end of getExpenses

public static double getIncome(double one, double two, double three, double four){
pay[0] = one = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter first check"));
pay[1] = two = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter second check"));
pay[2] = three = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter third check"));
pay[3] = four = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter forth check"));

payTotal = pay[0]+pay[1]+pay[2]+pay[3];
return one;

}//end of ChurchBudget class


Reference no: EM13810931

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