Reference no: EM131192088
Michael Grohs, entitled "Containing Contraband.
The role of a correctional officer takes many paths and presents many situations. Near the top of the list is safety, regardless of where the officer is working. However, add into the prison setting gangs, and the level of safety being compromised rises significantly.
Using the CSU Library, choose the Criminal Justice link. In the search box, input Containing Contraband, then select the option in the list that comes up, by author Michael Grohs, entitled "Containing Contraband."
Given the age of technology we live in, upon reading the article, provide a detailed analysis regarding the following:
- How is contraband, specifically cell phones, dangerous to the safety of correctional officers?
- Argue which specific technology device mentioned in the article you feel best combats contraband within the prison setting. Be specific and provide at least two examples not mentioned in the lecture, textbook, or article.
- How does a correctional officer deal with gang activity within the correctional institution?
- Finally, break down ways for which security at prisons can be improved, especially for the correctional officer, and present at least three ideas that could help bring safety to a higher level, while explaining specifically how to reach them.
The essay should be at least two pages in length, double spaced. You are required to use at least one outside source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.
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