Reference no: EM131327926 , Length:
Company: Starbucks no need to work on section 1 introduction and section 2 brief history
This assignment needs your team (4-5 students for a team) to apply the basic concepts of Management to a real situation, to access and review information from a number of sources, to identify the opportunities for your company's future development or improvement on existing systems or strategies (hereinafter named as "Improvements").
Base on the above situation, your team need to furnish a report with the following headings: (you can have more headings than my suggestions; submission must be in report format; no word limits; typed)
1 Introduction
2 Brief history i.e. how company starts its businesses (must be any establishment that can be found in Hong Kong, inform me once you have decided on your selection of company)
3 Existing Business
3.1 Vision and Mission
3.2 Company structure (No. of outlets / No. of staff etc.)
3.3 Products / Services (hereinafter named as "Products") the company is selling
3.4 Selling price / range for all "Products", Working hours and days (if applicable)
3.5 Current market situation
3.6 The above are suggestions only, include any item as you think appropriate
4 SWOT analysis
4.1 Strengths and weaknesses of the company (internal environment, points should relate to "improvements")
4.2 Opportunities and Threats (external environment, points should relate to "improvements")
4.3 Identify opportunities and state clearly about what kinds of "improvements" to be made for the company
4.4 Describe the overall concept or details of improvements"
5 Two objectives for "improvements" (SMART)
5.1 Financially (revenue / number of items to be sold / budget etc.)
5.2 Others (time required for the "improvements" / increment of market share / customers etc.)
6 Action Programs
6.1 Use Gantt Chart to present the working plan / schedule as suggested in point 4.4
7 Leading and Motivating
7.1 Describe any ways to motivate staff for commitment to this plan (rewards I training etc.)
7.2 Describe any resistance to change and how to manage
8 Controls
8.1 Two controls must be applied (should relate to the above 2 objectives as in point 5)
8.2 Risk management and contingency plan
9 Conclusions
9.1 Is this plan successful? Why?
10 Appendix
10.1 All references such as web sites, books, journals, reports from company etc. should be put in this section
Some friendly reminders for report:
1. Point form, table format will be appropriate for some sections.
2. The report is expected to have correct grammar, spelling and referencing.
3. Upon completion, ensure that you include the followings on your first page of report: Title of your report and
Some friendly reminders for presentation:
1. 12-15 minutes in English / Cantonese (merit will be awarded for English presentation)
2. Merit will be awarded for innovation and creative ideas during presentation
3. All members must present and of equal share of time for presentation
4. PowerPoint is expected, submit your hard copy of power point slides before presentation
5. Sequences of presentation by lucky draw on your presentation day (note below for the date)
6. Be punctual on presentation day or else you may be treated as absent for presentation and no mark will be awarded (inform me at least two weeks earlier if you cannot come for presentation)
Weighed mark: 40% of this subject (details as follows)
1. Written Report:
2. Presentation:
A. Group presentation
B. Individual marking
i. Comment on what you have learnt
ii. Evaluation on your team members